1. ggpp::birch.df
    Birch seedlings' size
  2. ggpp::birch_dw.df
    Birch seedlings' size
  3. ggpp::ivy.df
    Ivy photosynthesis light response
  4. ggpp::quadrant_example.df
    Gene expression data
  5. ggpp::volcano_example.df
    Gene expression data
  6. ggpp::weather_18_june_2019.df
    Weather data
  7. learnrbook::clean1000.df
    Subset of RNAseq gene expression data
  8. learnrbook::clean5000.df
    Subset of RNAseq gene expression data
  9. learnrbook::pkgs_all_1ed
    Packages used in book "Learn R: As a Language" (1ed)
  10. learnrbook::pkgs_all_2ed
    Packages used in book "Learn R: As a Language" (2ed)
  11. learnrbook::pkgs_ch10_2ed
    Packages used in ch. 10 of book "Learn R: As a Language" (2ed)
  12. learnrbook::pkgs_ch6_1ed
    Packages used in ch. 6 of book "Learn R: As a Language" (1ed)
  13. learnrbook::pkgs_ch7_1ed
    Packages used in ch. 7 of book "Learn R: As a Language" (1ed)
  14. learnrbook::pkgs_ch8_1ed
    Packages used in ch. 8 of book "Learn R: As a Language" (1ed)
  15. learnrbook::pkgs_ch8_2ed
    Packages used in ch. 8 of book "Learn R: As a Language" (2ed)
  16. learnrbook::pkgs_ch9_2ed
    Packages used in ch. 9 of book "Learn R: As a Language" (2ed)
  17. learnrbook::viikki_d29.dat
    Wind direction and speed data
  18. learnrbook::weather_wk_25_2019.tb
    Weather data
  19. ooacquire::FLMS00416_cal.spct
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
    calibration_spct|2048 x 2
  20. ooacquire::FLMS00416_calib_dates.df
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
  21. ooacquire::FLMS00416_descriptors
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
  22. ooacquire::FLMS00416_none.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
  23. ooacquire::FLMS00416_simple.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
  24. ooacquire::FLMS00416_sun.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
  25. ooacquire::FLMS00416_ylianttila.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00416
  26. ooacquire::FLMS00440_cal.spct
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
    calibration_spct|2048 x 2
  27. ooacquire::FLMS00440_calib_dates.df
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
  28. ooacquire::FLMS00440_descriptors
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
  29. ooacquire::FLMS00440_none.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
  30. ooacquire::FLMS00440_simple.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
  31. ooacquire::FLMS00440_sun.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
  32. ooacquire::FLMS00440_ylianttila.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00440
  33. ooacquire::FLMS00673_cal.spct
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
    calibration_spct|2048 x 2
  34. ooacquire::FLMS00673_calib_dates.df
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
  35. ooacquire::FLMS00673_descriptors
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
  36. ooacquire::FLMS00673_none.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
  37. ooacquire::FLMS00673_simple.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
  38. ooacquire::FLMS00673_sun.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
  39. ooacquire::FLMS00673_ylianttila.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS00673
  40. ooacquire::FLMS04133_cal.spct
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
    calibration_spct|2048 x 2
  41. ooacquire::FLMS04133_calib_dates.df
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
  42. ooacquire::FLMS04133_descriptors
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
  43. ooacquire::FLMS04133_none.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
  44. ooacquire::FLMS04133_simple.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
  45. ooacquire::FLMS04133_sun.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
  46. ooacquire::FLMS04133_ylianttila.mthd
    Flame S spectrometer s/n FLMS04133
  47. ooacquire::JAZA3098_calib_dates.df
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  48. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch1_descriptors
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  49. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch1_none.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  50. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch1_simple.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  51. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch1_sun.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  52. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch1_ylianttila.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  53. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch2_descriptors
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  54. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch2_none.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  55. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch2_simple.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  56. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch2_sun.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  57. ooacquire::JAZA3098_ch2_ylianttila.mthd
    Jaz spectrometer s/n JAZA3098
  58. ooacquire::MAYP112785_calib_dates.df
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP112785
  59. ooacquire::MAYP112785_descriptors
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP112785
  60. ooacquire::MAYP112785_simple.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP112785
  61. ooacquire::MAYP112785_sun.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP112785
  62. ooacquire::MAYP112785_ylianttila.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP112785
  63. ooacquire::MAYP11278_calib_dates.df
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP11278
  64. ooacquire::MAYP11278_descriptors
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP11278
  65. ooacquire::MAYP11278_short_flt_ref.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP11278
  66. ooacquire::MAYP11278_simple.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP11278
  67. ooacquire::MAYP11278_sun.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP11278
  68. ooacquire::MAYP11278_ylianttila.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP11278
  69. ooacquire::MAYP114590_cal.spct
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
    calibration_spct|2068 x 2
  70. ooacquire::MAYP114590_calib_dates.df
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
  71. ooacquire::MAYP114590_descriptors
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
  72. ooacquire::MAYP114590_none.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
  73. ooacquire::MAYP114590_simple.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
  74. ooacquire::MAYP114590_sun.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
  75. ooacquire::MAYP114590_ylianttila.mthd
    Maya2000 Pro spectrometer s/n MAYP114590
  76. ooacquire::blue_filter.raw_mspct
    Raw counts data for a filter measurement
  77. ooacquire::halogen.raw_mspct
    Raw counts data for a lamp measurement.
  78. ooacquire::red_filter.raw_mspct
    Raw counts data for a filter measurement
  79. ooacquire::sun001.raw_mspct
    Raw counts data for a lamp measurement.
  80. ooacquire::white_LED.raw_mspct
    Raw counts data for a lamp measurement.
  81. ooacquire::xenon_flash.raw_mspct
    Raw counts data for a lamp measurement.
  82. photobiology::A.illuminant.spct
    CIE A illuminant data
  83. photobiology::D2.UV586
    Data for typical calibration lamps
  84. photobiology::D2.UV653
    Data for typical calibration lamps
  85. photobiology::D2.UV654
    Data for typical calibration lamps
  86. photobiology::D50.illuminant.spct
    CIE D50 illuminant data
  87. photobiology::D65.illuminant.spct
    CIE D65 illuminant data
  88. photobiology::FEL.BN.9101.165
    Data for typical calibration lamps
  89. photobiology::Ler_leaf.spct
    Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
  90. photobiology::Ler_leaf_rflt.spct
    Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
    reflector_spct|1750 x 2
  91. photobiology::Ler_leaf_trns.spct
    Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
  92. photobiology::Ler_leaf_trns_i.spct
    Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
  93. photobiology::beesxyzCMF.spct
    Honeybee xyz chromaticity colour matching function data
  94. photobiology::black_body.spct
    Theoretical optical bodies
  95. photobiology::ccd.spct
    Spectral response of a back-thinned CCD image sensor.
  96. photobiology::ciev10.spct
    Linear energy CIE 2008 luminous efficiency function 10 deg data
  97. photobiology::ciev2.spct
    Linear energy CIE 2008 luminous efficiency function 2 deg data
  98. photobiology::ciexyzCC10.spct
    CIE xyz chromaticity coordinates (CC) 10 deg data
  99. photobiology::ciexyzCC2.spct
    CIE xyz chromaticity coordinates 2 deg data
  100. photobiology::ciexyzCMF10.spct
    Linear energy CIE xyz colour matching function (CMF) 10 deg data
  101. photobiology::ciexyzCMF2.spct
    Linear energy CIE xyz colour matching function (CMF) 2 deg data
  102. photobiology::clear.spct
    Theoretical spectrum of clear and apaque materials
  103. photobiology::clear_body.spct
    Theoretical optical bodies
  104. photobiology::cone_fundamentals10.mspct
    Ten-degree cone fundamentals
  105. photobiology::cone_fundamentals10.spct
    Ten-degree cone fundamentals
  106. photobiology::filter_cps.mspct
    Counts per second from a measurement of a plastic film
  107. photobiology::green_leaf.spct
    Green birch leaf reflectance.
  108. photobiology::opaque.spct
    Theoretical spectrum of clear and apaque materials
  109. photobiology::phenylalanine.spct
    Molar spectral attenuation coefficient of phenylalanine
  110. photobiology::photodiode.spct
    Spectral response of a GaAsP photodiode
  111. photobiology::polyester.spct
    Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
  112. photobiology::r4p_pkgs
    Packages in R for Photobiology suite
  113. photobiology::sun.daily.data
    Daily solar spectral irradiance (simulated)
  114. photobiology::sun.daily.spct
    Daily solar spectral irradiance (simulated)
  115. photobiology::sun.data
    Solar spectral irradiance (simulated)
  116. photobiology::sun.spct
    Solar spectral irradiance (simulated)
  117. photobiology::sun_daily.data
    Daily solar spectral irradiance (simulated)
  118. photobiology::sun_daily.spct
    Daily solar spectral irradiance (simulated)
  119. photobiology::sun_evening.mspct
    Time series of solar spectral irradiance (measured)
  120. photobiology::sun_evening.spct
    Time series of solar spectral irradiance (measured)
  121. photobiology::two_filters.mspct
    Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
  122. photobiology::two_filters.spct
    Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
  123. photobiology::water.spct
    Molar spectral attenuation coefficient of water
  124. photobiology::white_body.spct
    Theoretical optical bodies
  125. photobiology::white_led.cps_spct
    White led bulb spectrum
  126. photobiology::white_led.raw_spct
    White led bulb spectrum
  127. photobiology::white_led.source_spct
    White led bulb spectrum
  128. photobiology::yellow_gel.spct
    Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
  129. photobiologyFilters::acetate_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  130. photobiologyFilters::acrylic_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  131. photobiologyFilters::all_filter_selectors
    Names of different indexing vectors
  132. photobiologyFilters::all_screen_net_selectors
    Names of different indexing vectors
  133. photobiologyFilters::arrigoni_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  134. photobiologyFilters::baader_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  135. photobiologyFilters::band_pass_filters
    Indexing of filters of different curve types
  136. photobiologyFilters::blue_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  137. photobiologyFilters::blue_green_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  138. photobiologyFilters::bpi_visqueen_filters
    Indexing of greenhouse films from BPI Visqueen
  139. photobiologyFilters::bw_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  140. photobiologyFilters::clear_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  141. photobiologyFilters::courtaulds_filters
    Indexing of cellulose di-acetate films from Courtaulds
  142. photobiologyFilters::criadolopez_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  143. photobiologyFilters::etola_filters
    Indexing of PE films supplied by Etola Oy
  144. photobiologyFilters::evonik_filters
    Indexing of PMMA sheets (Plexiglas) by Evonik
  145. photobiologyFilters::fake_unbranded_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  146. photobiologyFilters::filters.mspct
    Spectral transmittance of diverse optical filters
  147. photobiologyFilters::filters_UVIVIF.mspct
    Spectral fluorescence of diverse optical filters
  148. photobiologyFilters::firecrest_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  149. photobiologyFilters::foiltek_filters
    Indexing of Plastic Sheets Supplied by Foiltek
  150. photobiologyFilters::fotga_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  151. photobiologyFilters::glass_windows
    Spectral transmittance for glass windows
  152. photobiologyFilters::green_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  153. photobiologyFilters::haida_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  154. photobiologyFilters::heat_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  155. photobiologyFilters::heliopan_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  156. photobiologyFilters::howitec_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  157. photobiologyFilters::hoya_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  158. photobiologyFilters::huachangyarns_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  159. photobiologyFilters::kenfaith_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  160. photobiologyFilters::kenko_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  161. photobiologyFilters::knightx_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  162. photobiologyFilters::kolarivision_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  163. photobiologyFilters::lee_filters
    Indexing of theatrical "gels"
  164. photobiologyFilters::lee_gels
    Indexing of theatrical "gels"
  165. photobiologyFilters::long_pass_filters
    Indexing of filters of different curve types
  166. photobiologyFilters::mallastextiles_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  167. photobiologyFilters::materials.mspct
    Spectral reflectance of land surfaces
  168. photobiologyFilters::mcdermit_filters
    Indexing of McDermit "polyester" films
  169. photobiologyFilters::metals.mspct
    Spectral reflectance of metals
  170. photobiologyFilters::midopt_filters
    Indexing of MidOpt filters
  171. photobiologyFilters::neutral_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  172. photobiologyFilters::nisi_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  173. photobiologyFilters::oerlemansplastics_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  174. photobiologyFilters::optical_glass_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  175. photobiologyFilters::orange_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  176. photobiologyFilters::petri_dishes
    Indexing of Petri dishes
  177. photobiologyFilters::photography_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  178. photobiologyFilters::plastic_dome_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  179. photobiologyFilters::plastic_domes
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  180. photobiologyFilters::plastic_film_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  181. photobiologyFilters::plastic_films
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  182. photobiologyFilters::plastic_sheet_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  183. photobiologyFilters::plastic_sheets
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  184. photobiologyFilters::plexiglas_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  185. photobiologyFilters::polycarbonate_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  186. photobiologyFilters::polyester_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  187. photobiologyFilters::polystyrene_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  188. photobiologyFilters::polyvynil_chloride_filters
    Indexing of filters made from different materials
  189. photobiologyFilters::purshee_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  190. photobiologyFilters::red_nir_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  191. photobiologyFilters::refractive_index.mspct
    Refractive-index spectra for materials
  192. photobiologyFilters::rocolax_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  193. photobiologyFilters::rosco_filters
    Indexing of theatrical "gels"
  194. photobiologyFilters::rosco_gels
    Indexing of theatrical "gels"
  195. photobiologyFilters::schott_filters
    Indexing of Schott filters
  196. photobiologyFilters::screens_nets.mspct
    Spectral transmittance of plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets
  197. photobiologyFilters::short_pass_filters
    Indexing of filters of different curve types
  198. photobiologyFilters::stacked_filters
    Spectral transmittance for filter stacks
  199. photobiologyFilters::svensson_screens_nets
    Indexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
  200. photobiologyFilters::tangsinuo_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  201. photobiologyFilters::theatrical_gels
    Indexing of theatrical "gels"
  202. photobiologyFilters::tiffen_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  203. photobiologyFilters::uqg_filters
    Indexing of UQG filters
  204. photobiologyFilters::uv_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  205. photobiologyFilters::uvir_cut_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  206. photobiologyFilters::uvroptics_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  207. photobiologyFilters::xl_horticulture_filters
    Filter spectra data for commercial grenhouse films from XL Horticulture
  208. photobiologyFilters::yellow_filters
    Indexing of filters of different colors
  209. photobiologyFilters::zeiss_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  210. photobiologyFilters::zomei_filters
    Indexing of photography filters
  211. photobiologyLamps::Airam_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  212. photobiologyLamps::Aputure_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  213. photobiologyLamps::Convoy_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  214. photobiologyLamps::Fluence_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  215. photobiologyLamps::Generic_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  216. photobiologyLamps::Godox_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  217. photobiologyLamps::Jaxman_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  218. photobiologyLamps::Osram_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  219. photobiologyLamps::Philips_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  220. photobiologyLamps::QPanel_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  221. photobiologyLamps::Sunwayfoto_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  222. photobiologyLamps::Sylvania_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  223. photobiologyLamps::Toshiba_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  224. photobiologyLamps::Valoya_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  225. photobiologyLamps::amaran_m9.mspct
    Spectra for an Amaran AL-M9 LED video light
  226. photobiologyLamps::amber_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  227. photobiologyLamps::andoer_ir49.mspct
    Spectra for an Andoer IR49 LED video lamp
  228. photobiologyLamps::bentham_lamps
    Spectra acquired with Bentham spectrometer
  229. photobiologyLamps::blue_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  230. photobiologyLamps::elgato_klm_cct.mspct
    Spectra for an Elgato Key Light Mini LED video lamp
  231. photobiologyLamps::elgato_klm_dim.mspct
    Spectra for an Elgato Key Light Mini LED video lamp
  232. photobiologyLamps::fluorescent_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  233. photobiologyLamps::germicidal_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps designed for specific uses
  234. photobiologyLamps::green_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  235. photobiologyLamps::incandescent_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  236. photobiologyLamps::ir_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  237. photobiologyLamps::lamp_brands
    Spectral data for Lamps from different suppliers
  238. photobiologyLamps::lamp_colors
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  239. photobiologyLamps::lamp_types
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  240. photobiologyLamps::lamps.mspct
    Spectral irradiance for diverse lamps
  241. photobiologyLamps::led_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  242. photobiologyLamps::ledsavers.mspct
    Spectra for a multichannel LED bulb
  243. photobiologyLamps::ledsavers_GB_mixes
    Spectra for a multichannel LED bulb
  244. photobiologyLamps::ledsavers_RB_mixes
    Spectra for a multichannel LED bulb
  245. photobiologyLamps::ledsavers_RG_mixes
    Spectra for a multichannel LED bulb
  246. photobiologyLamps::ledsavers_channels
    Spectra for a multichannel LED bulb
  247. photobiologyLamps::ledsavers_mixes
    Spectra for a multichannel LED bulb
  248. photobiologyLamps::licor_lamps
    Spectra acquired with LI-COR LI-1800
  249. photobiologyLamps::macam_lamps
    Spectra acquired with Macam SR-9010-PC
  250. photobiologyLamps::mercury_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  251. photobiologyLamps::multimetal_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  252. photobiologyLamps::oo_maya_lamps
    Spectra acquired with Ocean Optics Maya2000 Pro
  253. photobiologyLamps::orange_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  254. photobiologyLamps::photography_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps designed for specific uses
  255. photobiologyLamps::plant_grow_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps designed for specific uses
  256. photobiologyLamps::purple_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  257. photobiologyLamps::qp_uvb313_temp.mspct
    Spectral irradiance of UVB lamps at different temperatures.
  258. photobiologyLamps::qp_uvb313_temp.spct
    Spectral irradiance of UVB lamps at different temperatures.
  259. photobiologyLamps::red_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  260. photobiologyLamps::sodium_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  261. photobiologyLamps::sunwayfoto_fl96.mspct
    Spectra for a Sunwayfoto FL96 LED video light
  262. photobiologyLamps::uv_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  263. photobiologyLamps::white_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  264. photobiologyLamps::xenon_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different types
  265. photobiologyLamps::yellow_lamps
    Spectral data for Lamps of different colours
  266. photobiologyLEDs::Agilent_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  267. photobiologyLEDs::Bridgelux_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  268. photobiologyLEDs::COB_dimming.mspct
    Constant-current dimming of LEDs
  269. photobiologyLEDs::COB_dimming.tb
    Constant-current dimming of LEDs
  270. photobiologyLEDs::COB_reflectors.mspct
    LEDs with reflectors
  271. photobiologyLEDs::CREE_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  272. photobiologyLEDs::Epileds_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  273. photobiologyLEDs::Epistar_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  274. photobiologyLEDs::HueyJann_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  275. photobiologyLEDs::LCFOCUS_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  276. photobiologyLEDs::LedEngin_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  277. photobiologyLEDs::Ledguhon_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  278. photobiologyLEDs::Luminus_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  279. photobiologyLEDs::Marktech_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  280. photobiologyLEDs::Nichia_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  281. photobiologyLEDs::Norlux_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  282. photobiologyLEDs::Osram_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  283. photobiologyLEDs::QuantumDevices_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  284. photobiologyLEDs::Roithner_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  285. photobiologyLEDs::Samsung_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  286. photobiologyLEDs::SeoulSemicon_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  287. photobiologyLEDs::TaoYuan_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  288. photobiologyLEDs::Weili_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  289. photobiologyLEDs::amber_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  290. photobiologyLEDs::blue_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  291. photobiologyLEDs::green_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  292. photobiologyLEDs::high_CRI_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs for different uses
  293. photobiologyLEDs::ir_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  294. photobiologyLEDs::led_arrays.mspct
    Spectral irradiance for diverse LEDs
  295. photobiologyLEDs::led_brands
    Spectral data for LEDs from different suppliers
  296. photobiologyLEDs::led_colors
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  297. photobiologyLEDs::led_uses
    Spectral data for LEDs for different uses
  298. photobiologyLEDs::leds.mspct
    Spectral irradiance for diverse LEDs
  299. photobiologyLEDs::multi_channel_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  300. photobiologyLEDs::oo_maya_leds
    Spectra acquired with an Ocean Optics Maya2000 Pro spectrometer
  301. photobiologyLEDs::orange_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  302. photobiologyLEDs::plant_grow_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs for different uses
  303. photobiologyLEDs::purple_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  304. photobiologyLEDs::red_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  305. photobiologyLEDs::single_channel_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  306. photobiologyLEDs::uv_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  307. photobiologyLEDs::white_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  308. photobiologyLEDs::yellow_leds
    Spectral data for LEDs of different colours
  309. photobiologyPlants::Betula_ermanii.mspct
    Spectral data for 'Betula ermanii' leaves
  310. photobiologyPlants::CRYs.mspct
    CRY1, CRY2 and CRY3 absorbance spectra.
  311. photobiologyPlants::McCree_photosynthesis.mspct
    McCree's action spectra for whole-leaf photosynthesis.
  312. photobiologyPlants::PHOTs.mspct
    PHOT1 and PHOT2 absorbance spectra.
  313. photobiologyPlants::PHYs.mspct
    Tabulated data for Phytochrome Sigma
  314. photobiologyPlants::Solidago_altissima.mspct
    Spectral optical data for 'Solidago altissima' leaves
  315. photobiologyPlants::UVR8s.mspct
    UVR8 absorbance spectrum
  316. photobiologyPlants::ZTLs.mspct
    ZTL absorbance spectra.
  317. photobiologyPlants::carotenoids.mspct
    Absorbance spectra for carotenoids.
  318. photobiologyPlants::chlorophylls.mspct
    Absorbance spectra for chlorophylls.
  319. photobiologyPlants::chlorophylls_fluorescence.mspct
    Fluorescence emission spectra for chlorophylls.
  320. photobiologyPlants::leaf_fluorescence.mspct
    Fluorescence emission spectra of leaves.
  321. photobiologyPlants::phytochrome.spct
    Tabulated data for Phytochrome Sigma
  322. photobiologySensors::all_diffusers
    Entrance optics
  323. photobiologySensors::ams_sensors
    'ams' sensors
  324. photobiologySensors::analytik_sensors
    Analytik-Jena sensors.
  325. photobiologySensors::apogee_sensors
    apogee broadband sensors
  326. photobiologySensors::berger_sensors
    'Berger' UV-Biometer
  327. photobiologySensors::blue_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  328. photobiologySensors::cosine_diffusers
    Entrance optics
  329. photobiologySensors::deltat_sensors
    Delta-T sensors
  330. photobiologySensors::diffusers.lst
    Angular response of sensors
  331. photobiologySensors::dome_diffusers
    Entrance optics
  332. photobiologySensors::electronic_components
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  333. photobiologySensors::entrance_optics
    Entrance optics
  334. photobiologySensors::epar_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  335. photobiologySensors::erythemal_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  336. photobiologySensors::far_red_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  337. photobiologySensors::ic_optics
    Entrance optics
  338. photobiologySensors::ideal_optics
    Entrance optics
  339. photobiologySensors::ideal_sensors
    Idealized sensors
  340. photobiologySensors::kipp_sensors
    Kipp Radiometers.
  341. photobiologySensors::licor_sensors
    LI-COR sensors
  342. photobiologySensors::multichannel_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  343. photobiologySensors::par_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  344. photobiologySensors::photometric_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  345. photobiologySensors::pyranometer_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  346. photobiologySensors::red_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  347. photobiologySensors::sensor_optics
    Entrance optics
  348. photobiologySensors::sensors.mspct
    Spectral response of sensors
  349. photobiologySensors::sglux_sensors
    sglux broadband sensors
  350. photobiologySensors::shortwave_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  351. photobiologySensors::skye_sensors
    Skye-Instruments Sensors
  352. photobiologySensors::solarlight_sensors
    Solar Light sensors
  353. photobiologySensors::solarmeter_sensors
    Solarmeter devices
  354. photobiologySensors::specmeters_sensors
    Specmeters broadband sensors
  355. photobiologySensors::thiesclima_sensors
    Thies Clima sensors
  356. photobiologySensors::uv_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  357. photobiologySensors::uva_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  358. photobiologySensors::uvb_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  359. photobiologySensors::uvc_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  360. photobiologySensors::vis_sensors
    Sensors responsive to different wavebands
  361. photobiologySensors::vishay_sensors
    'Vishay' sensors
  362. photobiologySensors::vitaltech_sensors
    Vital Technologies sensors
  363. photobiologySun::four_days_1min.data
    Ground level irradiance for wavelength bands
  364. photobiologySun::gap.mspct
    Solar spectral irradiance in a tree canopy gap (measured)
  365. photobiologySun::irrad_Kipp.data
    Ground level solar irradiance (measured)
  366. photobiologySun::ppfd_BF.data
    Ground level solar PAR photon irradiance, direct and diffuse (measured)
  367. photobiologySun::ppfd_LICOR.data
    Ground level solar PAR photon irradiance (measured)
  368. photobiologySun::sun_elevation.spct
    Ground level spectral irradiance and sun elevation
  369. photobiologySun::sun_hourly_august.spct
    Ground level spectral irradiance at hourly intervals
  370. photobiologySun::sun_hourly_june.spct
    Ground level spectral irradiance at hourly intervals
  371. photobiologySun::sun_hourly_ozone.spct
    Ground level spectral irradiance at hourly intervals
  372. photobiologySun::sun_may_morning.spct
    Ground level solar spectral irradiance (measured)
  373. photobiologySun::sun_reference.mspct
    Reference solar spectra from ASTM G173
  374. photobiologyWavebands::CIE1924_lef.spct
    CIE1924 luminous efficiency function (photopic human vision)
  375. photobiologyWavebands::CIE1951_scotopic_lef.spct
    Luminous efficiency function (scotopic human vision)
  376. photobiologyWavebands::CIE2008_lef2deg.spct
    CIE2008 luminous efficiency function (2-deg) (photopic human vision)
  377. photobiologyWavebands::SetlowTUV.spct
    Setlow's action spectrum for DNA damage