Changes in version 0.2.17 Last release before split. Please, see documentation for 'ggpmisc' for earlier history. Changes in version 0.2.0-1 (2024-11-13) - Fix CRAN checks NOTE. Changes in version 0.2.0 (2024-05-01) This is a code breaking update in relation to functions stat_debug_group() and stat_debug_panel(). Both the function signature, returned values and default arguments have changed. The new and updated functions are more polished and flexible than they were in earlier versions of the package but can still be made to produce similar, but not identical, output to functions of the same names from earlier versions. - Function geom_debug() maintained for backwards compatibility. - Functions geom_debug_panel() and geom_debug_group() print summaries of both data and params objects. - In functions geom_debug_panel(), geom_debug_group(), stat_debug_panel() and stat_debug_group() the function used to print the summaries is an argument to a new formal parameter dbgfun.print. - Update stat_debug_group() and stat_debug_panel() so that the function used to compute the value returned as data is an argument to a new formal parameter - Rename formal parameter into in geom_debug_panel(), geom_debug_group(), stat_debug_group() and stat_debug_panel(). - Update the optional_aes in geom_debug_panel(), geom_debug_group() and geom_null() to track changes in ggplot2 and ggpp. Changes in version 0.1.2 (2023-05-24) - Fix bug in drop_vars() (report and fix by struckma in issue #1). Changes in version 0.1.1 (2022-10-15) - Update geom_debug() to avoid several spurious warnings triggered by unrecognized parameters and aesthetics. Aesthetics silently accepted include all those used by geoms from packages 'ggplot2', 'ggpp', and 'ggrepel'. - Improve the printed output from geom_debug(), stat_debug_group() and stat_debug_panel(). - Change the default geom of stat_debug_group() and stat_debug_panel() from "debug" to "null". - Tested working with 'ggplot2' 3.3.6 and upcoming 'ggplot2' 3.4.0 (v3.4.0-rc). Changes in version 0.1.0-1 (2021-07-30) - Minor update to User Guide 2 and four code examples in functions' documentation to address non-compliance with CRAN requirements. - Minor update to User Guide 2 figures to enhance clarity. Changes in version 0.1.0 (2021-05-27) - Add geom_debug_npc() as a synonym for geom_debug() to allow debugging of geoms supporting npc coordinates as defined in package 'ggpp'. - Revise stat_debug_group() and stat_debug_panel() simplifying the output to the console. In particular avoid setting default aesthetics, change default for geom to "debug" and used head() as default for summaries . - Revise geom_debug() setting head() as default for - Revise part 1 of the User Guide. Some of these changes to default arguments and function parameters are code-breaking but of little consequence as these debugging functions are meant to be used interactively. Changes in version 0.0.4 (2021-02-10) - Track updates to 'ggplot2', adding support and examples for geom_sf() plot layers. - Revise documentation. - Move git repository from Bitbucket to Github. - Set up Github action for CRAN-checks on Windows, OS X and Ubuntu. Changes in version 0.0.3 (2019-11-26) - Revise User Guide. - Revise documentation adding examples and correcting minor errors. - Rewrite README in R markdown adding examples. Changes in version 0.0.2 (2019-03-25) - Implement str() method for class "ggplot" as a wrapper with tweaked default arguments. - Add functions mapped_vars() and data_vars() to list variables in the default data member of objects of class "gg". - Add function data_attributes() to list the attributes of the default data member of objects of class "gg". Changes in version 0.0.1 (2018-07-13) Methods and functions originally part of 'ggpmisc' but removed in the update to 'ggpmisc' 0.3.0 are included in this new package. - Add new function drop_vars() to automatically drop from the data object embedded in "gg" "ggplot" objects the variables neither mapped to aesthetics nor used for faceting.