Changes in version 0.5.8-1 (2024-07-01) - Fix wrong test for availability of 'gginnards' in examples (reported by Joshua Ulrich in issue #53). - Add to vignette Combining repulsion and nudging three missing tests for availability of package 'ggrepel'. - Revise position_nudge_to() to support expansion and contraction of the range within which to spread the positions. Changes in version 0.5.7 (2024-05-06) Track changes in 'ggplot2' 3.5.0 and 3,5,1. Fix a couple of minor incompatibilities. Add some new features matching those new in 'ggplot2'. General improvements and bug fixes. - This version depends on 'ggplot2' >= 3.5.0. - Add helper function wrap_labels(), useful to insert new lines into characters strings stored in a vector. - Add as_npc(), as_npcx() and as_npcy() helper functions that translate positions given as character strings into numeric values in [0..1] corresponding to NPC (Normalised Parent Coordinates) and validate the range of numeric values if passed directly as arguments. The returned values belong to class AsIs and ready to use in aesthetic mappings. - Update geom_point_s() adding parameter move.point to allow its use to highlight points at the original position with an arrow with its start given by the displacement by a position function. - Change in geom_point_s() the end at which the tip of the arrow is drawn, to its most frequently used direction, even if opposite to the default for geom_text_s() and geom_label_s(). - Update geom_text_s(), geom_label_s(). geom_text_pairwise() and geom_label_pairwise() adding parameter size.unit tracking change in geom_text() and geom_label() in 'ggplot2' >= 3.5.0. - Update geom_text_s(), geom_label_s(). geom_text_pairwise() and geom_label_pairwise() so that graphic elements in the keys match those in the plot, even when using the additional features available in 'ggplot2' in = 3.5.0. - Update geom_text_s(), geom_label_s(). geom_text_pairwise() and geom_label_pairwise() so that they respect the alpha component of color defintions. - Update stat_fmt_table() to allow application of functions to columns. - Fix in geom_text_s(), geom_label_s(). geom_text_pairwise() and geom_label_pairwise() an infrequent problem with incomplete guides in 'ggplot2' >= 3.5.0. - Fix bug in geom_point_s(), alpha_target = "point" ignored. - Fix bug in geom_label_s(), colour_target = "box.line" ignored. - Fix bug in in shrink_segments() giving a spureous error with totel shrinkage > 1 mm. Affecting all geometries with formal parameters box.padding and point.padding. Changes in version 0.5.6 (2024-01-09) - Fix bug in stat_density2d_filter(). - Fix bug in position_dodgenudge(), behaviour like position_dodge2nudge(). - Improve handling of nudging with x or y nudge vectors longer than one but shorter than the number of rows in data by reordering them based on the ordering of the data values to which they are applied. Changes in version 0.5.5 (2023-11-07) - Update for compatibility with upcoming 'ggplot2' >= 3.5.0. - Support the angle aesthetic in geom_label_npc(), geom_label_s() and geom_label_pairwise() matching the upcoming update to ggplot2::geom_label() (with help from teunbrand). - Add support for linetype aesthetic to geom_label_npc(), for consistency with geom_label_s() and geom_label_pairwise(). - Add position_stack_minmax() to correctly position error bars in stacked plots. - Add data sets birch.dfand birch_dw.df with data for 350 birch seedlings. - Add data set weather_18_june_2019.df with data at 1 min intercal for 24 h. - Move transcriptomics data sets quadrant_example.df and volcano_example.df from 'ggpmisc' to 'ggpp'. Changes in version 0.5.4 (2023-08-12) - Add geom_text_pairwise() and geom_label_pairwise()suitable for annotating/highlighting pairwise comparisons between levels of a factor mapped to the x aesthetic. They can also be used to highlight ranges of values when the variable mapped to x is a continuous numerical vector. The user interfaces are consistent with those of geom_text_s() and geom_label_s(). - Improve handling of nudge values when dates or times are mapped to x or y. Changes in version 0.5.3 (2023-07-16) - Add support for percent and fraction of observations to stat_quadrant_counts() and stat_group_counts(). - Fix bug in stat_group_counts(): mismatch between counts and groups. - Add stat_functions(), a replacement for ggplot2::stat_function() that fully complies with the grammar of graphics, supporting multiple functions per layer, grouping and facets. - Add examples to documentation. Changes in version 0.5.2 (2023-04-01) - Fix bug in stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g(): handle elegantly data for which density cannot be estimated (Issue #32 raised by mshubert to report bug). - In stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g() use type = 8 when computing quantiles, instead of the default type = 7. Type 8 is recommended as better with data that are not normally distributed. - Add parameter exclude.these to stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g() allowing forcing the exclusion of specific observations irrespective of the local density (See issue #19, partly addressing a suggestion by mshubert). - In stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g() add parameter making it possible to apply a function or vector of values passed through exclude.these or keep.these to any variable in the layer data (See issue #19, partly addressing a suggestion by mshubert). - Implement "spread" action in position_nudge_to(). - Fix bug in segment shrinking (very rare division by zero). - Changed default values for to improve consistency; now segments are never the target of colour by default. - Add formal parameters and default.colors as synonyms of and default.colours. - Add unit tests. (See issue #10, and pull requests #12, #13, #17, #18, #21, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #30, #31, #34 and #38 from Daniel Sabanes Bove and his team). - Add checks for string arguments; improve some obscure error messages. - Track deprecation of aes_string() in 'ggplot2' (>= 3.0.0). Changes in version 0.5.1 (2023-02-03) - Add parameter keep.these to stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g() allowing forcing the inclusion of specific observations irrespective of the local density (See issue #19, partly addressing a suggestion by mshubert). - Update stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g() to allow separate control of kept observations or labels in each tail (1D) or in each quadrant (2D) of the density distribution, still using an estimate of the local density computed from the whole data set. - Add parameter return.density to stat_dens2d_labels(), stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g(), stat_dens1d_labels(), stat_dens1d_filter() and stat_dens1d_filter_g() to request the local density estimate at the position of each observation to be returned in numeric variable density and the outcome of the test in logical variable keep. Changes in version 0.5.0 (2022-12-05) - Add stat_panel_counts() and stat_group_counts(). - Add parameters default.colour and to geom_label_s(), geom_text_s(), geom_point_s(), geom_plot(), geom_table() and geom_grob(). - Add parameters default.alpha and to geom_label_s(), geom_text_s(), geom_point_s(), geom_plot(), geom_table() and geom_grob(). - Code breaking. Remove support for aesthetics segment.colour, segment.alpha, and segment.size in geom_label_s(), geom_text_s(), geom_point_s(), geom_plot(), geom_table() and geom_grob(). (Segments are links, and not meant to inform about data values on their own.) - Add vignette "Combining repulsion and nudging" describing the plot features made possible by packages 'ggpp' (>= 0.5.0) and 'ggrepel' (>= 0.9.2) when used together. Changes in version 0.4.5 (2022-09-30) - Add function dark_or_light(). - Support the new 'ggplot2' aesthetic linewidth in geom_quadrant_lines() and geom_vhlines() for compatibility with 'ggplot2' (>= 3.3.7). - Update geom_text_s() and geom_label_s() to support justification computed from positions, with hjust = "position" and vjust = "position" as new defaults. (The current, very simple, approach will be further tested and if necessary improved for the next release.) - Update geom_text_s() and geom_label_s() to enable segment.size aesthetic and increase its default value, and add formal parameters point.padding, box.padding and min.segment.length to allow adjusting the length of the segments. - Update position_nudge_center() for compatibility with 'ggplot2' (>= 3.3.7) and to ensure that every label gets nudged even if located exactly at the center (focus point of nudging). Changes in version 0.4.4 (2022-04-10) Multiple grobs and grob trees sharing the same name result in only the first one being rendered. This caused problems when multiple layers created with the same geometry were added to a plot. - Fix bug caused by grob and grob tree naming. Until unique naming is implemented, we do not assign names in cases where these potentially can interfere with rendering. This bug affected most geometries in 'ggpp'. Changes in version 0.4.3 (2021-12-17) Based on issues raised in the GitHub repository of 'ggrepel' and the nudge functions added some time ago to package 'ggpp' it became obvious that nudging can help in achieving good repulsion outcomes without need of tailored repulsion algorithms for specific cases. Obviously developing new ggplot position functions is much easier than tweaking the repulsion algorithm. It is also clear that not being able to combine nudging with stack, jitter and dodge positions made difficult to produce some types of plots. One case is replacing a key or legend with direct labels to plot elements, which is important in plots aimed at audiences outside academia. In one of the issues in the GitHub repository of 'ggrepel' an answer by M. Krassowski included code that provided an elegant and simple approach to implementing combined position functions without duplicating code already in 'ggplot2' by instead calling methods of the parent class. I edited this code and included it in the package. Except for the position functions with names ending in _keep, for which normal counterparts exist, the keeping of the original position can be disabled by passing kept.origin = "none" when they are called. The renaming of geom_text_linked() to geom_text_s() is code breaking but I am now fairly confident this shorter name is easy to remember with s for segment. - Add functions position_stack_keep(), position_fill_keep(), position_jitter_keep(), position_dodge_keep() and position_dodge2_keep(). - Add functions position_stacknudge(), position_fillnudge(), position_jitternudge(), position_dodgenudge() and position_dodge2nudge() based on code by M. Krassowski for position_stack_and_nudge(). - Revise functions position_nudge_to(), position_nudge_center() and position_nudge_line() adding support for disabling keeping of the original positions. - Add geom_point_s() and geom_label_s() and update geom_text_s() renamed from geom_text_linked(). This is a code breaking change with respect to the previous (unstable) version. - Update geom_plot(), geom_table() and geom_grob() to support plotting of segments when positions change, e.g., with nudging. - Update the vignette. With 12 new and four partly rewritten functions there is quite a lot of new code in this update, so even if tested and checked, it is possible that bugs may have slipped through. Please, do report them if you encounter any. Changes in version 0.4.2 (2021-07-31) The initial implementation and user interface of three apply statistics first introduced in 'ggpmisc' 0.3.6 has been revised to expand their usefulness and to make them less error-prone, while the fourth one is now defunct. Note: The default argument for geom instat_centroid() is likely to change in the near future. Otherwise, the three statistics can be considered now stable. - Update stat_apply_group() to support summary functions like quantile() that return vectors with more than one value but shorter than the original number of observations. - Update stat_summary_xy() and stat_apply_group() to return NA in x and/or y when .fun.x or .fun.y are not passed an argument. This is a code breaking change with respect to the previous (unstable) version. - Update stat_summary_xy() and stat_centroid() to support functions that return a one row data frame, like those defined in 'ggplot2' to be passed as argument to parameter of ggplot2::stat_summary(), such as mean_se, mean_cl_boot , etc. - Fix bug in stat_centroid(), stat_summary_xy() and stat_apply_group() resulting in the return of a long data frame with NA values instead of a data frame with fewer rows. - Remove stat_apply_panel() , as it was redundant. Grouping can be modified per layer when needed. Changes in version 0.4.1 (2021-07-14) - Update compute_just2D() and compute_just() to work with any value for the angle aesthetic, as in the accepted version of the pull request in 'ggplot2'. - Fix bug in geom_table() that would cause text left or right justified to be clipped when the text in a cell was very long (reported by dryguy). (Cell padding still needs improvement.) Changes in version 0.4.0 (2021-05-28) This new package is the result of splitting package 'ggpmisc' into two packages: 'ggpp' containing extensions to the grammar of graphics and 'ggpmisc' containing extensions to 'ggplot2' related to plot decorations based on model fits, statistical summaries and other descriptors of the data being plotted. Package 'ggpmisc' depends on 'ggpp' with no visible changes for users. Package 'ggpp' can be loaded instead of 'ggpmisc' when only the extensions it contains are needed. Package 'gginnards' containing tools for editing ggplot objects as well as tools for inspecting them is an earlier spin-off from 'gpmisc'. Compared to 'ggpmisc' 0.3.9, the following changes have been introduced. New justification styles have being implemented to complement position_nudge_center() . They are supported in geom_text_s(), geom_plot(), geom_table(), geom_grob() and geom_marging_grob(). In the current implementation all rows in data should contain the same hjust or vjust value when using the new types of justification described here, this seems reasonable as they compute the individual justification values from the data. All other justification values, either numeric or character do not have this restriction and can be used as in geoms from 'ggplot2'. These new features may change in the near future. - Rename geom_linked_text() into geom_text_linked(). - Implement justifications "outward_mean" , "inward_mean" , "outward_median" and "inward_median" so that outward and inward are with respect to the centroid of the data instead of to the middle of the $x$ or $y$ scales. This should be useful in combination with position_nudge_center(). - Implement justifications "outward_nnn" and "inward_nnn" so that outward and inward are with respect to the number resulting from applying as.numeric() to the characters that replace nnn. For example strings like "outward_0.5" , "inward_3e5" or "outward_-3e-2" are supported. This should be useful when manual tweaking is desired. As special cases "outward_0" and "inward_0" apply justification outward and inward with respect to the origin. This should be useful for biplots used for PCA and similar cases with arrows radiating out of the origin. (The "outward" and "inward" justification implemented in 'ggplot2' is relative to the middle of the $x$ or $y$ scales.) - Revise compute_npcx() and compute_npcy() to support multiple steps per group (needed in 'ggpmisc'). - Fix problem related to "outward" and "inward" justification of text labels when angle aesthetic takes values < -45 or > 45 degrees. This code change alters how old plots are rendered if text labels have been rotated by more than 45 degrees. - 'ggplot2', 'ggrepel': The problem with angle was a "bug" in 'ggplot2' also present in 'ggrepel'. A pull request for ggplot2::geom_text() has been submitted and merged. This is now in the 'ggplot2' 3.3.4 milestone retaining consistent behaviour between 'ggplot2', 'ggrepel', 'ggpp' and 'ggpmisc'. Changes in version 0.3.9 - Update the documentation of geom_plot(). - Revise handling of rounding for $R^2$ and $P$-value in stat_poly_eq(). - Under development! Link repositioned text to its original position with a segment or arrow: geom_linked_text(). Except for the drawing of segments or arrows this new geometry behaves as ggplot2::geom_text() . Note: Segments and arrows are drawn only if the position function used returns both the repositioned and original coordinates. - Add support for advanced nudging: position_nudge_centre() and position_nudge_line() compute the direction of nudging and return both the nudged and original positions. - Add support for simple nudging: position_nudge_to() nudges to new user-supplied position(s); position_nudge_keep() nudges to position(s) based on user-supplied position shift. These functions return both nudged and original position(s), which makes possible to draw connecting segments from text labels to the original position. Changes in version 0.3.8-1 - Fix bug: suggested package not loaded in vignette Model-Based Plot Annotations resulting in "method not found" warning in some examples*.* Changes in version 0.3.8 - CODE BREAKING: functions stat_fit_glance() , stat_fit_augment() , stat_fit_tidy() and stat_fit_tb() now import the tidiers from package 'generics' instead of from 'broom'. As a result, users must now explicitly load the package where the methods to be used are defined, such as 'broom' or 'broom.mixed' or define them before calling these statistics. - Add formal parameter glance.args to stat_fit_glance() , parameter tidy.ars to stat_fit_tidy() and stat_fit_tb() and parameter augment.args to stat_fit_augment() as some specializations of broom::glance(), broom::tidy() and stat_fit_augment() accept arguments specific to a given fitting method. - Fix bug: stat_fit_tidy() would fail with quantreg::rq() and any other fit methods that do not return by default standard error estimates for parameter estimates (Thanks to Mark Neal for reporting the problem). - Revise stat_fit_glance(), stat_fit_augment() and stat_fit_tidy() to ensure compatibility with cor.test() and other functions that require an object rather than a quoted expression as argument for data . - Add formal parameter p.digits to stat_fit_tb(). - New vignette explaining how the grammar of graphics has been expanded to better support annotations. - Fix bug: try_tibble.ts() and try_data_frame() did not handle correctly the conversion of dates for some time series, which also could affect ggplot.ts(). - Fix bug: stat_peaks() and stat_valleys() generated wrong labels if a Date object was mapped to x (the bug did not affect POSIX or datetime, and was obvious as it resulted in a shift in dates by several decades). - Move git repository from Bitbucket to Github. - Set up Github action for CRAN-checks on Windows, OS X and Ubuntu. Changes in version 0.3.7 - Update stat_fit_tb() to support renaming of terms/parameter names in the table (Suggested by Big Old Dave and Z. Lin). In addition implement selection, reordering and renaming of columns and terms/parameters using positional indexes and pattern matching of truncated names in addition to whole names. Improve formatting of small P-values. - Update stat_fmt_tb() to support the same expanded syntax as stat_fit_tb(). - Add stat_dens1d_filter(), stat_dens1d_filter_g() and stat_dens1d_labels(), to complement existing stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g() and stat_dens2d_labels(). - Update stat_dens2d_filter(), stat_dens2d_filter_g() and stat_dens2d_labels() adding formal parameters keep.sparse and invert.selection, as available in the new 1D versions. - Update stat_dens2d_labels() to accept not only character strings but also functions as argument to label.fill as the new stat_dens1d_labels() does. - Revise documentation including the User Guide. Changes in version 0.3.6 - Override ggplot2::annotate() adding support for aesthetics npcx and npcy. - Add stat_summary_xy() and stat_centroid(). - Revise stat_poly_eq() to support labelling of equations according to group. - Implement output.type "markdown" in stat_poly_eq() usable with geom_richtext() from package 'ggtext'. Changes in version 0.3.5 - Add support for "table themes" to geom_table() and geom_table_npc(). Changes in version 0.3.4 - Add support for p.value.label and f.value.label to stat_poly_eq(). - Update to track deprecations in 'ggplot2' (>= 3.3.0). Changes in version 0.3.3 - Fix bug in stat_poly_eq(). - Minor revision of the User Guide and documentation. Changes in version 0.3.2 This version implements some new features and fixes bugs in the features introduced in version 0.3.1, please do rise an issue if you notice any remaining bugs! Some reported weaknesses in the documentation have been addressed. This updated version depends on 'ggplot2' (>= 3.2.1). - Add support for volcano and quadrant plots of outcomes. - Add geometries geom_vhlines() and geom_quadrant_lines(). - Add convenience scales scale_x_logFC() and scale_y_logFC() for data expressed as fold change. - Add convenience scales scale_x_Pvalue(), scale_y_Pvalue(), scale_x_FDR(), scale_y_FDR(). - Add convenience scales scale_colour_outcome(), scale_fill_outcome() and scale_shape_outcome() for data expressed as ternary or binary outcomes. - Add conversion functions outcome2factor() and threshold2factor() to convert vectors of numeric outcomes into factors with 2 or 3 levels. - Add conversion function xy_outcomes2factor() and xy_thresholds2factor() to combine two vectors of numeric outcomes into a 4-level factor. - Improve support for model-fit annotations. - Update stat_poly_eq() so that optionally instead of text labels it can return numeric values extracted from the fit object. - Document with examples how to pass weights and covariates to statistics based on methods from package 'broom'. Highlight the differences among stat_poly_eq() and the stat_fit_xxx() statistics implemented using package 'broom'. - Revise stat_apply_fun() to allow simultaneous application of functions to x and y aesthetics, and handling of diff() and other functions returning slightly shorter vectors than their input. - Support in stat_fit_tb(), stat_fit_augment(), stat_fit_tidy() and stat_fit_glance() the use of character strings as position arguments for parameters label.x and label.y when using geoms based on x and y aesthetics in addition to when using those taking the npcx and npcy aesthetics. Changes in version 0.3.1 This is a major update, with a few cases in which old code may need to be revised to work, and many cases in which there will be subtle differences in the positions of labels used as annotations. The many new features may still have some bugs, please do rise an issue if you notice one! Version requiring 'ggplot2' (>= 3.1.0). Add new geometries, several of them accepting x and y in npc units through the new aesthetics npcx and npcy, allowing positioning relative to plotting area irrespective of native data units and scale limits. These geometries are useful on their own for annotations in particular they allow consistent positioning of textual summaries. By default they do not inherit the plot's aesthetic mappings making their behaviour remain by default in-between that of true geometries and that of annotate(). - Add geom_text_npc() and geom_label_npc() using aesthetics npcx and npcy. - Add geom_table_npc() using aesthetics npcx and npcy. - Add geom_plot() and geom_plot_npc() which can be used to add inset plots to a ggplot. - Add geom_grob() and geom_grob_npc() which can be used to add inset grobs to a ggplot. - Add geom_x_margin_point(), geom_y_margin_point(), geom_x_margin_arrow() and geom_y_margin_arrow() which behave similarly to geom_hline() and geom_vline() but plot points or arrows instead of lines. Add geom_x_margin_grob() and geom_y_margin_grob() with similar behaviour but for adding grobs. - Revise textual-summary statistics to use the new npc version of geometries. - This may break old code that used geom_table() and depended on the old default of inherit.aes=TRUE. - Add "summarize" statistics for groups and panels. - Add stat_apply_panel() and stat_apply_group(). - Add workaround to stat_fit_glance() and improve diagnosis of unsupported input. Replace bad example in the corresponding documentation (workaround for bug reported by Robert White). - Update documentation. - Add and revise examples. - Revise vignette. Changes in version 0.3.0 Version requiring 'ggplot2' (>= 3.0.0), now in CRAN. Low level manipulation and debug methods and functions moved to new package 'gginnards' available through CRAN. - Remove debug stats and geoms -> 'gginnards'. - Remove layer manipulation functions -> 'gginnards'. - Add support for "weight" aesthetic in stat_poly_eq() (fixing bug reported by S.Al-Khalidi). - Add support for column selection and renaming to stat_fit_tb(). - Add new statistic stat_fmt_tb() for formatting of tibbles for addition to plots as tables. - Rename stat_quadrat_count() into stat_quadrant_count() (miss-spelling). - Revise vignette. Changes in version Non-CRAN version with additional functionality, but requiring the development version of 'ggplot2'. - Track code breaking change in 'ggplot2' commit #2620 (2018-05-17). Changes in version Non-CRAN version with additional functionality, but requiring the development version of 'ggplot2' >= (>= commit of 2017-02-09) from Github. Visit - geom_table(), a geom for adding a layer containing one or more tables to a plot panel. - stat_fit_tb() a stat that computes a tidy tabular version of the summary or ANOVA table from a model fit. Changes in version 0.2.17 CRAN version - Add stat_quadrat_count() a stat that computes the number of observations in each quadrant of a plot panel ignoring grouping. - Fix bugs, one of which is code breaking: the names of returned parameter estimates have changed in stat_fit_tidy() now pasting "_estimate" to avoid name clashes with mapped variables. Changes in version 0.2.16 - Revise stat_fit_tidy() so that it returns p-values for parameters, in addition to estimates and their standard errors. - BUG FIX: Revise geom_debug() adding missing default arguments. - Add functions for manipulation of layers in ggplot objects: delete_layers(), append_layers(), move_layers(), shift_layers(), which_layers(), extract_layers(), num_layers(), top_layer() and bottom_layer(). Changes in version 0.2.15 Add stat_fit_tidy() implemented using broom::tidy(). Makes it possible to add the fitted equation for any fitted model supported by package 'broom', as long as the user supplies within aes() the code to build a label string. Update user guide. Changes in version 0.2.14 Fix bug in stat_poly_equation() eq.x.rhs argument ignored when using expressions. Changes in version 0.2.13 - Fix bugs in try_tibble() and try_data_frame() which made them fail silently with some objects of class "ts" in the case of numeric (decimal date) index for time. In addition lack of special handling for classes "yearmon" and "yearqrt" from package 'zoo', lead to erroneous date shifts by a few days. - Add methods ggplot.ts() and ggplot.xts(). Changes in version 0.2.12 - Change default value for parameter label.fill in stat_dens2d_labels() from NA to "". - Improve documentation using current 'ggrepel' version, which implements changes that make stat_dens2d_labels() useful. Changes in version 0.2.11 - Add stat_dens2d_labels(), a statistic that resets label values to NA by default, or any character string supplied as argument, in regions of a panel with high density of observations. - Add stat_den2d_filter(), a statistic that filters-out/filters-in observations in regions of a panel with high density of observations. These two statistics are useful for labeling or highlighting observations in regions of a panel with low density. Both stats use a compute_panel function. - Add stat_den2d_filter_g(), a statistic that filters-out/filters-in observations in regions of a group with high density of observations. This statistics is useful for highlighting observations. It uses a compute_group function. They use internally MASS:kde2d to estimate densities and default values for parameters are adjusted dynamically based on the number of observations. Changes in version 0.2.10 - Add user-requested feature: allow user to specify number 'digits' used in formatting numbers in labels in stat_poly_eq(). - Update try_data_frame() to return an object of class "tibble" and add try_tibble() as synonym. - Update documentation and start using package 'staticdocs' to build a documentation web site. Changes in version 0.2.9 - Add support for tikz in stat_poly_eq(). - Fix bug in stat_poly_eq(). - Fix bug in geom_debug(). - Fix bug in stat_fit_augment(). Changes in version 0.2.8 - Enhance stat_poly_eq() so that 1) position of labels according to npc (relative positions using normalized coordinates), as well as by named positions "top", "bottom", "right", "left" and "center" is now implemented; 2) when grouping is present, suitable vjust values are computed to automatically position the labels for the different groups without overlap. Default label positions are now relative to the range of each panel's $x$ and $y$ scales, eliminating in most cases the need to manually tweak label positions. - Add stat_fit_glance() uses package 'broom' for maximum flexibility in model function choice when wanting to add labels based on information from a model fit, at the expense of very frequently having to explicitly set aesthetics, and always having to add code to do the formatting of the values to be used in labels. Label position is as described above for stat_poly_eq(). - Add stat_fit_deviations() for highlighting residuals in plots of fitted models. This statistic currently supports only lm() fits. By default geom "segment" is used to highlight the deviations of the observations from a fitted model. - Add stat_fit_residuals() for plotting residuals from a fitted model on their own in plots matching plots of lm fits plotted with stat_smooth() even with grouping or facets. This statistic currently supports only lm() fits. By default geom "point" is used to plot the residual from a fitted model. - Add preliminary version of stat_fit_augment(), which uses package 'broom' for maximum flexibility in model function choice, to augment the data with additional columns of values derived from a model fit. Changes in version 0.2.7 - Add support for AIC and BIC labels to stat_poly_eq(). - Add pretty-printing of parameter values expressed in engineering notation in stat_poly_eq(). - Add support for user-supplied label coordinates in stat_poly_eq(). - Improve stat_debug_panel() and stat_debug_group() so that they can optionally print to the console a summary of the data received as input. - Add geom_debug(), a geom that summarizes its data input to the console, and produces no visible graphical output. Changes in version 0.2.6 - Add support for user-supplied lhs and for user-supplied rhs-variable name in the equation label in stat_poly_eq(). Changes in version 0.2.5 - Remove one example to remove a package dependency. Changes in version 0.2.4 - Improve handling of time zones in try_data_frame(). - Revise documentation and vignette. Changes in version 0.2.3 - stat_poly_eq() changed to include the lhs (left hand side) of the equation by default. Changes in version 0.2.2 - Add function try_data_frame() to convert R objects including time series objects of all classes accepted by try.xts() into data frames suitable for plotting with ggplot(). - Update stat_peaks() and stat_valleys() to work correctly when the x aesthetic uses a Date or Datetime continuous scale such as ggplot() sets automatically for POSIXct variables mapped to the x aesthetic. Changes in version 0.2.1 - Rename stat_debug() as stat_debug_group() and add stat_debug_panel(). - Add stat_peaks() and stat_valleys() (these are simpler versions of ggspectra::stat_peaks() and ggspectra::stat_valleys() for use with any numerical data (rather than light spectra). Changes in version 0.1.0 First version. - Add stat_poly_eq() - Add stat_debug()