Title: | Spectral Transmittance and Spectral Reflectance Data |
Description: | Spectral 'transmittance' data for frequently used filters and similar materials. Plastic sheets and films; photography filters; theatrical gels; machine-vision filters; various types of window glass; optical glass and some laboratory plastics and glassware. Spectral reflectance data for frequently encountered materials. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>. |
Authors: | Pedro J. Aphalo [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Pedro J. Aphalo <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-03-10 16:18:30 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/aphalo/photobiologyFilters |
Spectral 'transmittance' data for frequently used filters and similar materials. Plastic sheets and films; photography filters; theatrical gels; machine-vision filters; various types of window glass; optical glass and some laboratory plastics and glassware. Spectral reflectance data for frequently encountered materials. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14.
This package contains transmission spectra for different types of
optical filters and filter-like objects. These spectral data are NOT
normalized. In most cases they have been obtained from sheets of the
standard thickness supplied by sellers. Metadata is stored together with
the spectral data, when available, it includes thickness, an approximate
estimate of Rfr
(contribution of reflectance) and whether
attenuation by the filter is based on reflection, absorption or both.
Beware that when attenuation is by absorption in the body of the filter,
thickness has a strong effect on the wavelengths at which Tfr = 0.5 is
reached for a given material. Be also aware that some of the data are for
total transmittance and some for internal transmittance. Depending on the
type of filter, spectral transmittance depends more or less strongly on the
angle of incidence of radiation. All measurements included have been done
with a angle of incidence that deviates at most by a 10 degrees from zero
(light beam perpendicular to the surface of the filter). Additional data is
provided in the documentation for different objects, and metadata is also
stored as attributes in the individual spectral objects. When metadata are
available, estimates of spectral transmittance for different thicknesses
can be approximately computed for filters based on ionic or absorptive
glass or plastic. The same is true for the conversion between total and
internal transmittance if Rfr
is available. There are also filters
based on surface reflection or absorptive layers on the surface or encased.
Some filters even use a combination of these approaches.
Total spectral transmittance for climate screens used in agriculture and horticulture is also included.
In addition to transmittance for semitransparent materials, the package also contains data on the refractive index as a function of wavelength, for several different materials. These data allow the estimation of spectral reflectance for these materials.
Spectral reflectance data is included for several common metals and for natural and man-made surfaces (relevant to remote sensing).
Transmittance data are included for:
The whole catalogue of Schott optical filters (official data supplied by Schott for inclussion in this package).
Most of the catalogue of MIDOPT filters (official data extracted from dowloaded files from supplier, reproduced with permission).
Clear glass as used in windows (as used by CIE, from data file downloaded from CIE's server.)
Several types of Plexiglas from Evonik measured at our lab.
Other types of plastic sheets supplied by Foiltek Oy and Etola Oy, measured at our lab.
Plastic films from McDermit and Courtaulds, measured at our lab.
Several types of theatrical 'gels' from Lee, Rosco, and Formmatt. Some measured at our lab and others data digitized from manufacturers' catalogues.
Films used as greenhouse cladding from BPI Agri/Visqueen, XL-horticulture and generic, measured at our lab.
Various filters used in UV, VIS and IR imaging and photography.
Except for those from Schott and MIDOPT, none of the spectral data included in this package are "official" specifications. In all cases data are only for information, as even suppliers refer to the data provided as typical. Spectral transmittance depends on the measurement conditions, and, even more importantly, among individual production batches of filter materials. Spectral specifications are usually given as reference values. Both glass and plastic filters also age: their spectral properties change as a result of exposure to radiation or the gases in the atmosphere. Aging is in some cases fast. Another point to keep in mind is that some filter suppliers, for example Rosco, have changed the spectral transmittance of some filters over the years without changing the code or name under which they are sold. In other words, the data provided here are not a substitute for actual measurements of transmission spectra of the filters actually used in a given piece of scientific research. For less demanding situations the data are in most cases useful, but good agreement with measurements on other batches of filters of the same exact type should not be expected, specially for materials not intended to be used as optical filters.
This package is part of a suite of R packages for photobiological calculations described at the [r4photobiology](https://www.r4photobiology.info) web site.
Maintainer: Pedro J. Aphalo [email protected] (ORCID)
Other contributors:
Titta K. Kotilainen [email protected] (Contributed data) [contributor]
T. Matthew Robson [email protected] (Contributed data) [contributor]
Ricardo Hernández (Contributed data) [contributor]
Tania de la Rosa [email protected] (Contributed data) [contributor]
Riitta Tegelberg [email protected] (Contributed data) [contributor]
Andreas Albert (Contributed data) [contributor]
SCHOTT AG (Contributed data) [contributor]
Midwest Optical Systems, Inc. (MidOpt) (Contributed data) [contributor]
Aphalo, Pedro J. (2015) The r4photobiology suite. UV4Plants Bulletin, 2015:1, 21-29. doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14.
Useful links:
Report bugs at https://github.com/aphalo/photobiologyfilters/issues
library(ggspectra) library(photobiologyWavebands) # Total number of spectra in the package length(filters.mspct) # SCHOTT filters example schott_filters filters.mspct$Schott_OG530 filters.mspct[["Schott_OG530"]] getWhatMeasured(filters.mspct$Schott_OG530) filter_properties(filters.mspct$Schott_OG530) cat(comment(filters.mspct$Schott_OG530)) # combining name (index) vectors # blue glass filters intersect(optical_glass_filters, blue_filters) # green plastic films intersect(plastic_films, green_filters) # A Plexiglas sheet getWhatMeasured(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT) autoplot(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT) transmittance(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT, Orange()) transmittance(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT, NIR()) # Asphalt autoplot(materials.mspct$construction.asphalt, range = NIR(), w.band = NULL)
library(ggspectra) library(photobiologyWavebands) # Total number of spectra in the package length(filters.mspct) # SCHOTT filters example schott_filters filters.mspct$Schott_OG530 filters.mspct[["Schott_OG530"]] getWhatMeasured(filters.mspct$Schott_OG530) filter_properties(filters.mspct$Schott_OG530) cat(comment(filters.mspct$Schott_OG530)) # combining name (index) vectors # blue glass filters intersect(optical_glass_filters, blue_filters) # green plastic films intersect(plastic_films, green_filters) # A Plexiglas sheet getWhatMeasured(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT) autoplot(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT) transmittance(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT, Orange()) transmittance(filters.mspct$Evonik_Sky_Blue_5C01_GT, NIR()) # Asphalt autoplot(materials.mspct$construction.asphalt, range = NIR(), w.band = NULL)
Vectors of names of member objects containing fractional spectral transmittance data for films (very flexible) and sheets (rigid or nearly rigid) grouped by the material they are made of.
acetate_filters acrylic_filters polycarbonate_filters plexiglas_filters polystyrene_filters polyester_filters polyvynil_chloride_filters optical_glass_filters plastic_film_filters plastic_films plastic_sheet_filters plastic_sheets plastic_dome_filters plastic_domes
acetate_filters acrylic_filters polycarbonate_filters plexiglas_filters polystyrene_filters polyester_filters polyvynil_chloride_filters optical_glass_filters plastic_film_filters plastic_films plastic_sheet_filters plastic_sheets plastic_dome_filters plastic_domes
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 9.
An object of class character
of length 3.
An object of class character
of length 9.
An object of class character
of length 3.
An object of class character
of length 2.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 68.
An object of class character
of length 31.
An object of class character
of length 31.
An object of class character
of length 14.
An object of class character
of length 14.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 1.
The vectors can be used to extract subsets of spectra from the
collection in filter.mspct
. Some spectra are included in more
than one vector.
acrylic_filters # extract spectral data for filters made from acrylic filters.mspct[acrylic_filters]
acrylic_filters # extract spectral data for filters made from acrylic filters.mspct[acrylic_filters]
The package makes available character vectors that can be used to extract spectral data for specific subsets of the filters, screens, etc. Some correspond to supplier names, others to materials, types, colours and typical uses. The data objects described here list the names of all these vectors of names grouped by the collection of spectra they index.
all_filter_selectors all_screen_net_selectors
all_filter_selectors all_screen_net_selectors
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 7.
and screens_nets.mspct
all_screen_net_selectors all_filter_selectors
all_screen_net_selectors all_filter_selectors
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for
climate, shade and protection screens used in agriculture grouped by
supplier. These can be used to extract subsets of spectra from the collection
stored in the object named screens_nets.mspct
, belonging to class
arrigoni_screens_nets criadolopez_screens_nets howitec_screens_nets huachangyarns_screens_nets mallastextiles_screens_nets oerlemansplastics_screens_nets svensson_screens_nets
arrigoni_screens_nets criadolopez_screens_nets howitec_screens_nets huachangyarns_screens_nets mallastextiles_screens_nets oerlemansplastics_screens_nets svensson_screens_nets
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 17.
An object of class character
of length 40.
An object of class character
of length 15.
An object of class character
of length 45.
An object of class character
of length 3.
An object of class character
of length 32.
These data were acquired as part of research funded by the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 304653 and 304519 to T. M. Robson) and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Decision No. 107454 to R. Hernández).
Kotilainen, Titta; Robson, T. Matthew; Hernández, Ricardo (2018) Light quality characterization under climate screens and shade nets for controlled-environment agriculture. PLOS ONE, Vol. 13, No. 6, p. e0199628. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199628.
Robson, T. Matthew; Kotilainen, Titta (2018) Spectral transmittance of solar radiation by screens and nets used in horticulture and agriculture. 1.1.1. Data set. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1561317
Catálogo de productos. Mallastextiles, Chimalhuacán, Edo. de México. https://mallastextilesmx.com/
"Samples folder". Howitec Netting.Bolsward, The Netherlands. https://www.howitec.com/
"Samples". Arrigoni Spa. Uggiate Trevano, Italia. https://www.arrigoni.it
"Samples". Criado & Lopez. El Ejido (Almería) España. https://www.criadoylopez.com
"Samples". oerlemans plastics BV. Genderen, The Netherlands. https://www.oerlemansplastics.nl
"samples". Jiangsu Huachang Yarns & Fabrics Co. Ltd. Jurong, Jiangsu, China. http://www.hcpco.com
Samples folder. Kinna, Sweden. https://www.ludvigsvensson.com/
arrigoni_screens_nets # select screens supplied by Arrigoni screens_nets.mspct[arrigoni_screens_nets[1:5]]
arrigoni_screens_nets # select screens supplied by Arrigoni screens_nets.mspct[arrigoni_screens_nets[1:5]]
Vectors of names of member objects grouped according to their type or optical properties. Band-pass filters transmit a range of wavelengths, but block shorter and longer ones. Long-pass filters absorb wavelengths shorter than their cut-off and short-pass filters absorb wavelengths longer than their cut-off. Multi-band and single-band pass filters are listed together.
band_pass_filters long_pass_filters short_pass_filters
band_pass_filters long_pass_filters short_pass_filters
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 60.
An object of class character
of length 17.
These vectors include only optical-glass filters with well defined characteristics.
band_pass_filters # select band-pass filters filters.mspct[band_pass_filters]
band_pass_filters # select band-pass filters filters.mspct[band_pass_filters]
Vector of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for different films used as greenhouse cladding supplied by BPI Visqueen.
A vector of character strings.
Individual measurements of single samples, not a specification. Instrument used: Shimadzu UV-2501 PC (Shimadzu Suzhou Instruments Manufacturing Co. Ltd, China) equipped with an integrating sphere. Some of these film types are no longer produced.
Names of datasets containing the wavelengths and tabulated values for fractional spectral transmittance for filters of given colours.
clear_filters neutral_filters uv_filters blue_filters blue_green_filters green_filters yellow_filters orange_filters red_nir_filters heat_filters uvir_cut_filters
clear_filters neutral_filters uv_filters blue_filters blue_green_filters green_filters yellow_filters orange_filters red_nir_filters heat_filters uvir_cut_filters
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 30.
An object of class character
of length 53.
An object of class character
of length 9.
An object of class character
of length 22.
An object of class character
of length 6.
An object of class character
of length 14.
An object of class character
of length 8.
An object of class character
of length 28.
An object of class character
of length 4.
An object of class character
of length 9.
The vectors can be used to extract subsets of spectra from the
collection in filter.mspct
. Some spectra are included in more
than one vector.
clear_filters # select filters of amber and yellow color ("blue absorbing") filters.mspct[yellow_filters]
clear_filters # select filters of amber and yellow color ("blue absorbing") filters.mspct[yellow_filters]
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for Courtaulds di-acetate films of different thickness.
A vector of character strings.
1) Films (0.115 mm thick) stretched 25 cm below Q-Panel UVB313 lamps and exposed to UV radiation from different lengths of time per day. All films were installed and sampled at the same time inside a greenhouse. The digits give the number of minutes per day that the lamps were on.
2) New films of different thickness.
Individual measurements of single samples, not a specification. Instrument used: Hewlett-Packard 8453 diode array spectrophotometer without an integrating sphere. These films are no longer available, but similar material from other suppliers may be still available.
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for polythene film supplied by Etola Oy (Finland).
A vector of character strings.
Individual measurements of single samples, not a specification.
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for Plexiglas sheets 3 mm think. Data are to be used as "reference values only" as values may change in time and production batch.
A vector of character strings.
Sample chips bought from the manufacturers website on 24.04.2014 https://www.plexiglas-shop.com/
Data measured with an Agilent~8453 spectrophotometer (based on diode array).
Individual measurements of single samples, not a specification.
A collection of ultraviolet-induced visible and near infrared fluorescence spectra for optical filters.
A "source_mspct"
object containing several
The "source_mspct"
object named filters_UVIVIF.mspct
contains a collection of
objects with spectral fluorescence emission data for filters illuminated with
ultraviolet radiation.
The variables in each member spectrum are as follows:
photon irradiance (mol m-2 s-1)
These member objects contain metadata stored as R attributes. Accessors are
available to the metadata: what_measured()
, how_measured()
, filter_properties()
and comment()
Please see the help for the indexing vectors for specific details. The
member spectra are named consistently with filters.mspct
. Currently
all members are photography filters.
names(filters_UVIVIF.mspct) filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm what_measured(filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm) cat(how_measured(filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm)) cat(comment(filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm))
names(filters_UVIVIF.mspct) filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm what_measured(filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm) cat(how_measured(filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm)) cat(comment(filters_UVIVIF.mspct$Hoya_25A_HMC_2.3mm_52mm))
A collection of transmittance spectra for optical filters and similar materials from different suppliers. We include under "filters" all semi-transparent and transparent sheets and films with homogeneous optical properties. We exclude "screens" such as nets, cloths and perforated films with heterogeneous optical properties.
A "filter_mspct"
object containing several
The "filter_mspct"
object named filters.mspct
contains a collection of
objects with spectral transmittance data for filters.
The variables in each member spectrum are as follows:
(transmittance expressed as a fraction of one)
These member objects contain metadata stored as R attributes. Accessors are
available to the metadata: what_measured()
, how_measured()
, filter_properties()
and comment()
Please see the help for the indexing vectors for specific details.
filters.mspct$Schott_UG11 filters.mspct[[1]] what_measured(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11) how_measured(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11) filter_properties(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11) cat(comment(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11)) names(filters.mspct)
filters.mspct$Schott_UG11 filters.mspct[[1]] what_measured(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11) how_measured(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11) filter_properties(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11) cat(comment(filters.mspct$Schott_UG11)) names(filters.mspct)
Vector of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for samples of clear plastic sheets supplied by Foiltek. PC_UV is 3 mm thick Makrolife polycarbonate sheet manufactured by Arlaplast Ab (Sweden). PC is generic 3 mm thick polycarbonate, PS is 3 mm thick polystyrene, PET_G is polyester approx 3 mm thick and PVC is polyvinylchloride approximately 1.5–2 mm thick. Except for Makrolife, from unknown manufacturers but stock product in Foiltek's catalogue. Data are to be used as "reference values only" as values may change in time and production batch.
A vector of character strings.
Sample chips supplied free of charge by Foiltek on 02.07.2014 https://foiltek.fi/
Data measured with an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (based on diode array).
Individual measurements of single samples, not a specification.
Indexing vector for extracting transmittance spectra for
window glass panes from object filters.mspct
A vector of character strings.
A character vector of names of members of the collection of spectra.
The spectral data for these glasses is taken from file http://files.cie.co.at/206.xls, downloaded 2017-06-25. Abbreviated names from the original .xls file used as member names. Full glass names, thickness and manufacturers names, retained and stored as metadata in attribute "what.measured".
glass_windows summary(filters.mspct[glass_windows]) summary(filters.mspct[glass_windows[grep("Pilkington", glass_windows)]])
glass_windows summary(filters.mspct[glass_windows]) summary(filters.mspct[glass_windows[grep("Pilkington", glass_windows)]])
Total reflectance of built, cultivated and natural land surfaces. Data are to be used as "reference values only" as actual values will vary.
A reflector_mspct
object named materials.mspct
containing a collection of reflector_spct
objects each with 491 rows
and 2 variables.
The variables for each spectrum are as follows:#'
These member objects contain metadata stored as R attributes. Accessors to
the metadata are available: what_measured()
, how_measured()
, and comment()
This is a small selection from the ASTER database. See: https://speclib.jpl.nasa.gov/. Reproduced from the ECOSTRESS Spectral Library through the courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. Copyright (c) 2017, California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Meerdink, S. K., Hook, S. J., Roberts, D. A., & Abbott, E. A. (2019). The ECOSTRESS spectral library version 1.0. Remote Sensing of Environment, 230(111196), 1–8. ASTER spectral library.
Baldridge, A. M., S.J. Hook, C.I. Grove and G. Rivera, 2009.. The ASTER Spectral Library Version 2.0. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol 113, pp. 711-715.
materials.mspct$dry.grass summary(materials.mspct$dry.grass) what_measured(materials.mspct$dry.grass) how_measured(materials.mspct$dry.grass) cat(comment(materials.mspct$dry.grass)) names(materials.mspct) summary(materials.mspct)
materials.mspct$dry.grass summary(materials.mspct$dry.grass) what_measured(materials.mspct$dry.grass) how_measured(materials.mspct$dry.grass) cat(comment(materials.mspct$dry.grass)) names(materials.mspct) summary(materials.mspct)
Vector of names of member objects containing spectral transmittance data for plastic films produced by McDermit Autotype.
A vector of character strings.
Instrument used: Shimadzu UV-2501 PC (Shimadzu Suzhou Instruments Manufacturing Co. Ltd, China) equipped with an integrating sphere.
Total reflectance of metals at 294 K (21 C), measured using an integrating sphere. Data are to be used as "reference values only" as actual values will depend on the state of the metal surface and its polish.
A reflector_mspct
object named metals.mspct
a collection of reflector_spct
objects each with 47 rows and 2
The variables for each spectrum are as follows:
These member objects contain metadata stored as R attributes. Accessors to
the metadata are available: what_measured()
, how_measured()
, and comment()
Data extracted from a published report by OCR.
Ernie W. Spisz, Albert J. Weigund, Robert L. Bowmun, and John R. Juck (1969) SOLAR ABSORPTANCES AND SPECTRAL REFLECTANCES OF 12 METALS FOR TEMPERATURES RANGING FROM 300 TO 500 K NASA TN D-5353, Technical Note, Washington DC, 22 pp. (Data from Table II (a))
metals.mspct$gold summary(metals.mspct$gold) what_measured(metals.mspct$gold) how_measured(metals.mspct$gold) cat(comment(metals.mspct$gold)) names(metals.mspct) summary(metals.mspct)
metals.mspct$gold summary(metals.mspct$gold) what_measured(metals.mspct$gold) how_measured(metals.mspct$gold) cat(comment(metals.mspct$gold)) names(metals.mspct) summary(metals.mspct)
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral data for MidOpt machine-vision optical glass, acrylic and interference filters. Data extracted from MidOpt's pdf data files with help of R package 'tabulizer'. MidOpt is a trade name of Midwest Optical Systems, Palatine, IL 60067 USA
A vector of character strings.
data are typical values and may vary by plus/minus 10 nm. To interactively comparing filter spectra, please visit https://midopt.com/tools/curve-compare/.
Data downloaded from https://midopt.com/filters/ on 2017-12-26 and 2019-05-10. Republished with permission. Copyright (c) Midwest Optical Systems, Inc. (MidOpt) https://midopt.com/
midopt_filters summary(filters.mspct[midopt_filters]) summary(filters.mspct[midopt_filters[grep("TB", midopt_filters)]])
midopt_filters summary(filters.mspct[midopt_filters]) summary(filters.mspct[midopt_filters[grep("TB", midopt_filters)]])
Vectors of names of member objects with spectral data for the covers of Petri dishes. Data are to be used as "reference values only" as values may change in time and with production batch.
A vector of character strings.
Data measured with an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (based on diode array). Supplier of the plastic Petri dishes: Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Individual measurement of a single sample, not a specification.
petri_dishes filters.mspct[petri_dishes]
petri_dishes filters.mspct[petri_dishes]
Vectors of names of member objects with spectral data for filters intended to be used on camera lenses, grouped by supplier. Suppliers: B+W, Formatt-Hitech (Hitech, Firecrest), Fotga, Haida, Heliopan, Hoya, Ken & Faith Concept, KinghtX, KolariVision, Purshee, Rocolax, Tangsinuo, Tiffen, UVRoptics, Zeiss, and Zomei.
photography_filters hoya_filters firecrest_filters haida_filters zomei_filters fake_unbranded_filters baader_filters uvroptics_filters tiffen_filters bw_filters heliopan_filters zeiss_filters kenko_filters rocolax_filters kolarivision_filters fotga_filters tangsinuo_filters purshee_filters knightx_filters kenfaith_filters nisi_filters
photography_filters hoya_filters firecrest_filters haida_filters zomei_filters fake_unbranded_filters baader_filters uvroptics_filters tiffen_filters bw_filters heliopan_filters zeiss_filters kenko_filters rocolax_filters kolarivision_filters fotga_filters tangsinuo_filters purshee_filters knightx_filters kenfaith_filters nisi_filters
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 22.
An object of class character
of length 14.
An object of class character
of length 2.
An object of class character
of length 11.
An object of class character
of length 2.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 3.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 10.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 3.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 2.
An object of class character
of length 20.
An object of class character
of length 2.
An object of class character
of length 4.
An object of class character
of length 1.
An object of class character
of length 1.
Data are to be used as "reference values only" as actual transmittance may change in time and with production batch or glass melt. In some cases spectra for multiple filters of the same brand and type are included and show such variation. In other words, these spectra are measured in individual filters, other filters of the same type and brand will almost surely differ to some extent in their spectra.
The dynamic range of the data depends on the instrument used for the measurements. Most of the photography filters have been measured with an Agilent 8453 array spectrophotometer. The noise floor is at approximately 3.5 to 4.0 absorbance units within the range of wavelengths included in the data. Some small apparent "leaks" maybe only noise. A blank and a dark measurement obtained using this instrument are also included in the data set for comparison.
The variables are as follows:
w.length (nm)
Tfr (fraction)
https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/, https://www.formatt-hitech.com/, https://www.fotga.com/, https://www.haidaphoto.com/en/, http://www.heliopan.de/, https://hoyafilter.com/, https://kenkoglobal.com/, https://www.kentfaith.com/, https://knightx-photography.aliexpress.com/store/924165, https://kolarivision.com/, https://purshee.aliexpress.com/store/1996249, https://schneiderkreuznach.com/en/photo-optics/b-w-filters/filtertypes, https://tangsinuo.aliexpress.com/store/4314008, https://tiffen.com/, https://www.uvroptics.com/, https://www.zomei.com/.
Data measured with an Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer (based on diode array).
Idependent measurement of a single sample, not a specification.
A collection of refractive-index spectra for some materials.
A "generic_mspct"
object containing multiple
The "generic_mspct"
object contains "generic_spct"
objects with refractive index data.
The variables in each member spectrum are as follows:
w.length (nm)
Data labeled "for unrestricted use" originate from the Filmmetrics
Refractive Index Database at
https://www.filmetrics.com/refractive-index-database where
primary sources are provided. The names in refractive_index.mspct
are the same as in the downloaded files, except for the '.txt' tag.
length(refractive_index.mspct) names(refractive_index.mspct) refractive_index.mspct$PMMA # acrylic or Plexiglas refractive_index.mspct[["PMMA"]] # Compute spectral reflectance for an interface between acrylic and air # incidence angle of colimated light 60 degrees away from the normal. Rfr_from_n(angle_deg = 60, n = refractive_index.mspct[["PMMA"]])
length(refractive_index.mspct) names(refractive_index.mspct) refractive_index.mspct$PMMA # acrylic or Plexiglas refractive_index.mspct[["PMMA"]] # Compute spectral reflectance for an interface between acrylic and air # incidence angle of colimated light 60 degrees away from the normal. Rfr_from_n(angle_deg = 60, n = refractive_index.mspct[["PMMA"]])
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral dara for Schott optical glass filters. Data from manufacturer-provided excel filter tool.
A vector of character strings.
This data collection is protected by federal copyright law and international treaty. The copyright holder retains title to and ownership of the data collection.
Data contained in this calculation tool are owned by SCHOTT, any request for permission to use them for commercial purposes must be directed to SCHOTT.
SCHOTT makes no warranty of representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this data including their quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event will SCHOTT be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the calculation tool even if SCHOTT has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
SCHOTT reserves the right to change the optical and non-optical data without prior notice. This calculation tool renders all previous filter glass catalogs obsolete
This data collection was composed with utmost care.
Data supplied by the manufacturer for inclusion in this package. Version 1 st June 2015. Reproduced with permission. https://www.schott.com/advanced_optics
schott_filters summary(filters.mspct[schott_filters]) summary(filters.mspct[schott_filters[grep("UG", schott_filters)]])
schott_filters summary(filters.mspct[schott_filters]) summary(filters.mspct[schott_filters[grep("UG", schott_filters)]])
A collection of transmittance spectra for plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets used in horticulture. We include under "plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets", nets, cloths and laminated and perforated films with spatially heterogeneous optical properties. We exclude "filters" including all semi-transparent and transparent sheets and films with spatially homogeneous optical properties. Spectra for nearly 200 types of covers, screens, and nets from eight suppliers were measured consistently as described by Kotilainen et al. (2018).
A filter_mspct
object named screens_nets.mspct
containing a
collection of filter_spct
objects each with a variable number of
rows and 2 variables.
The variables for each spectrum are as follows:
w.length (nm)
Tfr (fraction)
Spectra were measured on new (never used) samples. Optical properties can be expected to change with ageing due to chemical changes induced by solar UV radiation and by soiling during the usual life expectancy of five or more years. Spectral data for twenty four climate-screen samples (ten Harmony-type, two Luxous-type, seven Solaro-type and six Tempa-type) and four insect-screen samples provided by Svensson (AB Ludvig Svensson, KINNA, Sweden, https://www.ludvigsvensson.com/en/climate-screens). Twenty-six shade-net samples (16 Sombra-type and ten Sombra raschel-type (patterned)) and 12 thrip, aphid, and insect -net samples (two Anti-Trip-type, eight Anti-Afidos-type and two Anti-Insect types) were provided by Mallas Textiles (Mallas Textiles Fabricantes, Chimalhuacán, Mexico, https://mallastextilesmx.com/) were described by Kotilainen et al. (2018). Additional spectra obtained by the same authors are also included in this package. If you use these data in publications, please, cite both Kotilainen et al. (2018) and this package.
The variables in each member spectrum are as follows:
(transmittance expressed as a
fraction of one)
These member objects contain metadata stored as R
attributes. Accessors to the metadata are available:
, how_measured()
, when_measured()
and comment()
These data were acquired as part of research funded by the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 304653 and 304519 to T. M. Robson) and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Decision No. 107454 to R. Hernández).
Please see the help for the indexing vectors for specific details. The
original data of Kotilainen et al. (2018) plus additional spectral data are
available at Zenodo (Robson and Kotilainen, 2018). The data read from file
, worksheet "database"
, have been
reprocessed to remove noise. The wavelength values have been "thinned" in
featureless regions using as criterion the lack of change in the local
slope to significantly reduce the size of the data set. Lossless
compression was applied to the R data file containing the data set.
Kotilainen, Titta; Robson, T. Matthew; Hernández, Ricardo (2018) Light quality characterization under climate screens and shade nets for controlled-environment agriculture. PLOS ONE, Vol. 13, No. 6, p. e0199628. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0199628.
Robson, T. Matthew; Kotilainen, Titta (2018) Spectral transmittance of solar radiation by screens and nets used in horticulture and agriculture. 1.1.1. Data set. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1561317
Catálogo de productos. Mallastextiles, Chimalhuacán, Edo. de México. https://mallastextilesmx.com/
"Samples folder". Howitec Netting.Bolsward, The Netherlands. https://www.howitec.com/
"Samples". Arrigoni Spa. Uggiate Trevano, Italia. https://www.arrigoni.it
"Samples". Criado & Lopez. El Ejido (Almería) España. https://www.criadoylopez.com
"Samples". oerlemans plastics BV. Genderen, The Netherlands. https://www.oerlemansplastics.nl
"samples". Jiangsu Huachang Yarns & Fabrics Co. Ltd. Jurong, Jiangsu, China. http://www.hcpco.com
Samples folder. Kinna, Sweden. https://www.ludvigsvensson.com/
screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green what_measured(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green) how_measured(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green) filter_properties(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green) cat(comment(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green)) names(screens_nets.mspct)
screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green what_measured(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green) how_measured(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green) filter_properties(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green) cat(comment(screens_nets.mspct$arrigoni_X2210WO.Iride.Black.Green)) names(screens_nets.mspct)
Indexing vector for selecting transmittance spectra for stacks of two or more filters.
A vector of character strings.
A character vector of names of spectra in object filter.mspct
measured by P. J. Aphalo from stacks of filters. Unless differently
indicated in the spectrum metadata, the filters in the stack were separated
by an air gap. Because of multiple reflections at the air-glass interfaces
the measured spectra differ slightly from the result of a simple
convolution between the spectra corresponding to the individual filters.
stacked_filters filters.mspct[stacked_filters]
stacked_filters filters.mspct[stacked_filters]
Vectors of names of member objects with spectral transmittance for different filters used on light sources in theatres, photo and video studios as spectral modifiers. Frequently called "theatrical gels".
theatrical_gels lee_filters lee_gels rosco_filters rosco_gels
theatrical_gels lee_filters lee_gels rosco_filters rosco_gels
A vector of character strings.
An object of class character
of length 7.
An object of class character
of length 7.
An object of class character
of length 8.
An object of class character
of length 8.
Instruments used: Shimadzu UV-2501 PC (Shimadzu Suzhou Instruments Manufacturing Co. Ltd, China) equipped with an integrating sphere for Rosco filters except no. 299 which was measured with an Agilent 8453 array spectrophotometer. Spectra for Lee gels have been digitized from the spectral plots in the Lee filters catalogue.
https://leefilters.com/lighting/colour-effect-lighting-filters/, https://emea.rosco.com/en/products/family/filters-and-diffusions
Vectors of names of member objects containing spectral data for for UQG optical glass absorptive and interference (dichroic) filters. Data measured by P. J. Aphalo with an Agilent 8453 array spectrophotometer. Some of the filters are Schott glass and we have retained the Schott type names.
A vector of character strings.
These spectral transmittance data are based on the measurement of a single filter of each type. Filters from other production batches may differ in their spectral properties, specially for wavelengths outside the range described in the manufacturer's published specifications. The characteristics of some types of glass filters may change with time through surface oxidation or by effect of exposure to radiation including solar radiation. The data provided is to be used only as a coarse guide. When filter properties are important the filter actually used should be measured.
Filter supplier: UQG Ltd. The Norman Industrial Estate, Milton, Cambridge, England. https://www.uqgoptics.com/
The refractive index, usually abbreviated as varies with temperature
and wavelength.
water_n(temperature = 20, w.length = 540, type = "freshwater")
water_n(temperature = 20, w.length = 540, type = "freshwater")
temperature |
numeric Water temperature in degrees Celcius (C) |
w.length |
numeric Wavelength in nanometres (nm) |
type |
character One of "freshwater" or "seawater". |
Function 'n.water()' implements the function proposed by Parrish for
approximation of for freshwater and seawater. The function is valid
for wavelengths from 400 nm to 700 nm, and for temperatures from 0 C to 30 C.
The function is vectorized.
Chris Parrish (2020) Index of Refraction of Seawater and Freshwater as a Function of Wavelength and Temperature. https://research.engr.oregonstate.edu/parrish/index-refraction-seawater-and-freshwater-function-wavelength-and-temperature
For other materials see refractive_index.mspct
and to
compute reflectance from see
water_n(w.length = (40:70)*10) water_n(temperature = seq(0, 30, by = 5))
water_n(w.length = (40:70)*10) water_n(temperature = seq(0, 30, by = 5))
Datasets containing the wavelengths at a 1 nm interval and tabulated values spectral transmittance for different films used as greenhouse cladding.
A vector of character strings.
The variables are as follows:
w.length (nm)
Tfr (fraction)
Instrument used: Shimadzu UV-2501 PC (Shimadzu Suzhou Instruments Manufacturing Co. Ltd, China) equiped with an integrating sphere.
Idependent measurement of a single sample, not a specification.