--- title: "User Guide" subtitle: "Package 'photobiologyLamps' `r packageVersion('photobiologyLamps')` " author: "Pedro J. Aphalo" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: yes vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{User Guide} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, echo=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=8, fig.height=4) ``` ## Introduction This package, is a data only package, part of a suite, which has package 'photobiology' at its core. Please visit (https://www.r4photobiology.info/) for more details. For more details on plotting spectra, please consult the documentation for package 'ggspectra', and for information on the calculation of summaries and maths operations between spectra, please, consult the documentation for package 'photobiology'. ```{r, message=FALSE} library(photobiology) library(photobiologyWavebands) library(photobiologyLamps) library(ggplot2) library(ggspectra) ``` In this brief User Guide we describe how to re-scale the normalized spectra, and how to access individual spectra or subsets of spectra. Spectra in the package are contained in several collections: `lamps.mspct` contains spectral data for various types of lamps emiiting a fixed color of light, in most cases with a single spectrum per lamp, and it is the main data container. Separate collections of spectra contain data for single light sources that have multiple modes, i.e., built-in dimmers or are capable of adjusting the spectrum of emitted. Of theses,`ledsavers.mspct` contains spectral data for a household LED bulb with four color channels allowing it to output 16 different _colors_ of light and `amaran_m9.mspct`, `andoer_ir49.mspct`, `elgato_klm_cct.mspct`, `elgato_klm_dim.mspct` and `sunwayfoto_fl96.mspct` contain spectra for video and photography small LED lamps. The output of fluorescent lamps depends strongly on temperature, and collection `qp_uvb313_temp.mspct` contains spectral data for an UV-B lamp measured under seven different temperatures. In addition `qp_uvb313_temp.spct` contains the same data in long form (or tidy) as a single `source_spct` object. In addtion to the objects containing the data themselves, several character vectors of names of spectra are provide to facilitate the retrieval of subsets of spectra from `lamps.mspct`. ## Using data from `lamps.mspct` The `lamps.mspct` collection, an object of class `source_mspct`, contains `r length(lamps.mspct)` spectra as member objects of class`source_spct`. The member spectra of `lamps.mspct` can be accessed through their names or through a numeric index. As the numeric indexes are likely to change with updates to the package, their use is discouraged. Names as character strings should be used instead. They can be listed with method `names()`. ```{r} names(lamps.mspct) ``` ### Accesing individual spectra We can use a name as index to extract an individual `source_spct` object. ```{r} lamps.mspct$Generic.Inc.bulb.60W ``` Or a character string. ```{r} lamps.mspct[["Generic.Inc.bulb.60W"]] ``` Be aware that according to R's rules, using single square brackets will return a `source_mspct` object possibly of length one. This statement is not equivalent to the one in the chunk immediately above. ```{r} lamps.mspct["Generic.Inc.bulb.60W"] ``` ### Accessing subsets of spectra We can subset the `source_mspct` object by indexing with vectors of character strings. The package provides some predefined ones, and users can easily define their own, either as constants or through computation. Here we use a vector defined by the package. ```{r} lamps.mspct[Toshiba_lamps] ``` And below we use a computed one. In this case we extract the member spectra with names containing the string "toshiba". More generaly one can search for matching names within the collection of spectra. ```{r} lamps.mspct[grep("Toshiba", names(lamps.mspct))] ``` Set algebra operations can be used with the indexing vectors as each vector describes a single property: color, brand, type, etc. ```{r} lamps.mspct[intersect(Philips_lamps, red_lamps)] ``` ### Accesing metadata ```{r} what_measured(lamps.mspct$Eiko.F36T8.BLB) ``` ```{r} how_measured(lamps.mspct$Eiko.F36T8.BLB) ``` For recently measured spectra, additional information is available. ```{r} getInstrSettings(lamps.mspct$Eiko.F36T8.BLB) ``` ```{r} getInstrDesc(lamps.mspct$Eiko.F36T8.BLB) ``` ```{r} getNormalisation(lamps.mspct$Eiko.F36T8.BLB) ``` ### Rescaling spectral data The spectra are normalized, and consequently, several summaries expressed in absolute units are undefined, and trigger errors. Summaries like ratios which are not affected by normalization are allowed and valid. The data have been normalized as the measuring conditions used are not all the same, and in many cases not well characterized (e.g. distance to light source, or exact alignment of the spectrometer input optics with respect to the center of the light beam from sources). These uncertainties in the measurment conditions are likely to have minimal effect on the shape of the spectrum when plotted. This allows us to reconstruct the spectrum at a different distance from the lamp(s) or under a different number of lamps as long as we know the irradiance for some known waveband, such as PAR. In this section we will rescale the spectral data so that after re-scaling a given target value for a summary quantity will be true. As an example, we will rescale one spectrum so that it yields an energy irradiance of 100 W m-2 for the range 400 to 700 nm. By default the returned spectrum is not labelled as being expressed in relative units, as the expectation is that the operation is done to obtain spectral emission data that could have been measured at a target condition that we want to simulate or reconstruct. ```{r} my.spct <- fscale(lamps.mspct$Generic.Inc.bulb.60W, range = c(400, 700), f = e_irrad, target = 100 ) e_irrad(my.spct, waveband(c(400,700))) ``` ```{r} is_scaled(my.spct) ``` To do the scaling based on photon irradiance, different approaches are available to change the default. Here as above we specify the function to use through the argument passed to `f` and set a suitable target in mol m-2 s-1. We use 300e-6 to indicate 300 umol m-2 s-1. ```{r} my.spct <- fscale(lamps.mspct$Generic.Inc.bulb.60W, range = c(400, 700), f = q_irrad, target = 300e-6 ) q_irrad(my.spct, waveband(c(400,700))) ``` In the special case when `target == 1`, the default changes, assuming that in this case the intention is to re-express the spectral data in relative units. ```{r} my.spct <- fscale(lamps.mspct$Generic.Inc.bulb.60W, range = c(400, 700), f = e_irrad, target = 1 ) is_scaled(my.spct) ``` If we want to override the defaults for tagging as scaled, we ccan pass a suitable argument to parameter `set.scaled` of `fscale()`. In addition to scaling based of the summary calculated by a function, as shown above, it is frequent to _normalize_ spectral data. In this case scaling is done so that spectral irradiance matches a certain value at an specific wavelength. In most cases, the wavelength used is that of the maximal spectral irradiance, and the target value is 1. These are the defaults and in this case the returned spectra are always labeled as being normalized. We use a blue fluorescent tube for this example. ```{r} normalize(lamps.mspct$Philips.FT.TLD.36W.15) ``` Ratios can be calculated directly as they are not affected by normalization or linear rescaling. ```{r} q_ratio(my.spct, Red("Smith10"), Far_red("Smith10")) ``` ### Plotting the spectra Using `autoplot()` methods for spectra defined in package 'ggspectra' annotated plotting are created with automatically genrateda xis labels, annotations and decorations. The defaults can be easily changed, please see the documentation in package 'ggspectra'. For most of the data included in the package, as told above, exact alignment was not ensured and the exact distance not recorded. In such cases the data included in the package have been normalized to 1 at the tallest peak of emission, as can be seen in the example below. ```{r} autoplot(lamps.mspct$Osram.LED.8W.2700K, w.band = VIS(), span = 51) ``` Data for a four channel, remote controlled, LED bulb is included in object `ledsavers.mspct`. ```{r} what_measured(ledsavers.mspct$purple) how_measured(ledsavers.mspct$purple) ``` In this case, data are not normalized, as all spectra in the object have been measure with the lamp and entrance optics in exactly the same position, controlling emission with wireless remote controller. In the next example we see that _purple_ is created as a mix of blue and red light. ```{r} autoplot(ledsavers.mspct$purple, w.band = VIS(), span = 51) ``` Using the `ggplot()` method for spectra from package 'ggspectra' plus _geometries_ and _statistics_ from package 'ggplot2' we gain additional control on the design. ```{r} ggplot(ledsavers.mspct$purple) + geom_line(linetype = "dashed") + theme_classic() ``` We can also plot multiple spectra. In this example we plot the pure emission from each of the four channels of the bulb. ```{r} autoplot(ledsavers.mspct[c( "W", "R", "G", "B")], annotations = c("+", "title:what"), w.band = VIS(), span = 51) + labs(linetype = "Channel") ``` ### Using the data in other contexts In general it will be easiest to use methods from packages in the 'r4photobiology' suite for plotting and calculation of various summaries. However, as `source_mspct` is a class derived from `list`, and `source_spct` is derived from `tibble::tibble` that is a partly compatible reimplementation of `data.frame` the data can be used very easily with R functions expecting data frames as input. ```{r} head(as.data.frame(lamps.mspct$Osram.LED.8W.2700K)) ``` Of course `attach` and `with` also work as expected. ```{r} attach(lamps.mspct) q_ratio(Osram.LED.8W.2700K, Blue(), Red()) detach(lamps.mspct) ``` ```{r} attach(lamps.mspct) with(Osram.LED.8W.2700K, max(w.length)) detach(lamps.mspct) ``` ```{r} with(lamps.mspct, q_ratio(Osram.LED.8W.2700K, Blue(), Red())) ``` ## Other data sets The additional data sets can be used similarly as described above for `lamps.spct` when stored as collections. For datasets stored in long-form an additional variable or column identifies the individual spectra. ## Ultraviolet-B lamps and temperature Object `qp_uvb313_temp.spct` is a `source_spct` object that contains spectra in long form for a pair of UV-B lamps measured at `r length(unique(qp_uvb313_temp.spct$temperature))` different air temperatures. ```{r} head(qp_uvb313_temp.spct) ``` ```{r} unique(qp_uvb313_temp.spct$temperature) ``` Collection `qp_uvb313_temp.mspct` contains the same spectra as `qp_uvb313_temp.spct` as a collection of individual `source_spct` objects. ```{r} names(qp_uvb313_temp.mspct) ``` ```{r} summary(qp_uvb313_temp.mspct) ``` ```{r} head(qp_uvb313_temp.mspct$minus05C) ``` ## Multicolour LED lamp Collection `ledsavers.mspct` contains `r length(ledsavers.mspct)` spectra. Each spectrum corresponds to a different combination of dimming settings of the four channels in this RGBW (red, green, blue, white) lamp. ```{r} names(ledsavers.mspct) ``` We can plot the spectra for the individual channels by selecting them. ```{r} autoplot(ledsavers.mspct[c("R", "G", "B", "W")], w.band = VIS_bands(), span = 51) ``` ## Video and photography lamps Collection `sunwayfoto_fl96.mspct` contains `r length(sunwayfoto_fl96.mspct)` spectra. Each spectrum corresponds to a different combination of dimming and colour temperature settings of a two channel or bi-colour (warm white and cool white) lamp sold for use in photography and video.. ```{r} names(sunwayfoto_fl96.mspct) ``` ```{r} what_measured(sunwayfoto_fl96.mspct) ``` Collection `elgato_klm_cct.mspct` contains `r length(elgato_klm_cct.mspct)` spectra. Each spectrum corresponds to a different colour temperature setting of a two channel or bi-colour (warm white and cool white) lamp sold for use in photography and video. Measurements were done with dimming set at full power. ```{r} names(elgato_klm_cct.mspct) ``` ```{r} what_measured(elgato_klm_cct.mspct) ``` ```{r} autoplot(elgato_klm_cct.mspct) ``` Collection `elgato_klm_dim.mspct` contains `r length(elgato_klm_dim.mspct)` spectra. Each spectrum corresponds to a different dimming setting of a two channel or bi-colour (warm white and cool white) lamp sold for use in photography and video. Measurements were done with colour temperature (CCT) set to 4000K. ```{r} names(elgato_klm_dim.mspct) ``` ```{r} what_measured(elgato_klm_dim.mspct) ``` ```{r} autoplot(elgato_klm_dim.mspct) ``` Collection `amaran_m9.mspct` contains `r length(amaran_m9.mspct)` spectra. Each spectrum corresponds to a different dimming setting of a single channel (cool white) lamp sold for use in photography and video. ```{r} names(amaran_m9.mspct) ``` ```{r} what_measured(amaran_m9.mspct) ``` ## Night vision video and photography lamp Collection `andoer_ir49.mspct` contains `r length(andoer_ir49.mspct)` spectra. Each spectrum corresponds to a different dimming setting of a single channel (infra-red) lamp sold for use in photography and video. This requires a modified or special camera sensitive to near infrared radiation (NIR) ```{r} names(andoer_ir49.mspct) ``` ```{r} what_measured(andoer_ir49.mspct) ```