Changes in version 0.5.1 (2023-10-24) ** Data have changed, with vectors in many cases being shorter and wavelength steps of irregular size, but with minimal change in the information.** - Rebuild all spectral data objects with 'photobiology' (== 0.11.0) adding metadta, using smoothing of digitized curves and thinning of wavelengths. - Rebuild all angular response data data frames using loess to re-express data at 1 degree intervals when possible, and slightly smooth the digitized data. - Add data for Analytik-Jena UV sensors UVX-25, UVX-31 and UVX-36. - Add data for Apogee sensors for PAR, ePAR, red+far-red, and UVA. - Add data for Specmeters sensor for PAR. - Add data for ams-OSRAM TSL-series Si light-to-voltage IC sensors. - Add data for the newer R-type of LI-COR sensors. - Add data for a prototype "custom-made dome-shaped" D7 diffuser variant from Bentham. - Move Git repository from Bitbucket to GitHub. - Set up continuous integration (CI) for checks in GitHub repository. Changes in version 0.5.0 (2020-10-05) - Rename member spectra by prepending suppliers' names and rebuild sensors.mspct with photobiology (0.10.5) which is now required. - Add data for angular responsivity saved in a list of data frames named diffusers.lst. Code breaking because of renaming of members of the collection of spectra Changes in version 0.4.0 (2018-02-26) Reorganise data storage into a single collection of spectra. Add character vectors of names for use in subsetting the collection. This is a code-breaking update, that will require revision to match the new data structure and naming scheme. First CRAN version. Changes in version 0.3.3 Update for ggplot2 2.0.0, ggspectra 0.1.0, and photobiology 0.9.1. Removed the User Guide as it was not specificc to the data in this pacakge. Changes in version 0.3.2 Rebuild all data and the package with photobiology 0.8.0. Inprove the "thinning" algorithm used with the digitized spectral data. Changes in version 0.3.1 Added data for Delta-T BF5 sunshine sensor. Digitized again data for lux sensor Skye SKL 310. All data rebuilt with photobiology 0.6.8, and now all spectral data is normalized to one at the wavelength of maximum energy responisvity. Fixed the "thinning" algorithm of the spectral response data because it was deleting the observations at the longest wavelength values. Changes in version 0.3.0 All data rebuilt with photobiology 0.6.0. "Thinned" some of the spectral response data because it had been digitized with a very small wavelength step size. Small tweaks to the vignettes. Changes in version 0.2.2 Rebuilt with new version of package photobiology. Changes in version 0.2.1 Added data for sensors made by Skye Instruments. Data digitised from brochures and manuals. Added plots of the newly added spectra to the vignette. Changes in version 0.2.0 Added the spectral data generously supplied as a file by sglux for their sensors. Rebuilt all data objects and data .r files with photobiology 0.5.7 which is now required. Editted the vignettes to use the high level functions currently available in the suite. As a result the code for the example calculations is now much simpler, and consequently, hopefully, also much easier to understand for the user. Changes in version 0.1.8 Rebuilt data object and data .r files and fixed one example in docs. Fixed bugs that rendered data for some sensors inaccessible. Changes in version 0.1.7 Added data for Thies sensor and modified automatic data objects build to use response.spct objects. Changes in version 0.1.6 Fixed a bug that surfaced after trim_tails was modified to allow extrapolation. Cleaned the vignettes. Changes in version 0.1.5 Added more spectra for sglux TOCON sensors. Vignette of spectra updated to include the new data and plotting adjusted a little. Changes in version 0.1.4 Vignette of spectra now shows peaks. Changes in version 0.1.3 Added data for Solar Light and Vital Technologies sensors from WMO-STUK intercomparison. Data kindly made available by Lasse Ylianttila (STUK). First version of User Guide. Changes in version 0.1.2 Calc_sensor_multipliers bug fixed. Sensor data files cleaned. Vignette now builds correctly. Changes in version 0.1.1 Added Solarmeter MODEL 6.0 UV meter. Changes in version 0.1.0 First version. Includes response spectra for sensors for which we have found data online.