Changes in version 0.5.2 (2023-10-24) - Rebuild data objects with 'photobiology' (0.11.0) Changes in version 0.5.1 (2023-01-07) - PAR() was previously defined as a wavelength range, which is correct only for computations of photon irradiance. For computation of energy irradiance the correct approach is to use a weighting function based on the energy per photon. This now fixed. The previous behaviour of PAR() can now be obtained with the new function PhR()or by passing an argument to parameter std. This change affects only computations of energy irradiance, and although not code breaking, returned values will vary slightly. - PAR() gains definitions of historical interest as well as the recently proposed extended photosynthetically active radiation, ePAR. - Plant_bands() now accepts "Sellaro" and "sensoryBroad" as argument for std. - Blue() and Green now accept "broad" as argument for std, corresponding to very broad ranges of wavelengths as frequently used in plant sciences. - Update UVI() so that it optionally returns integer values as recommended by WWO for communication of UVI to the general public. Default behaviour remains unchanged. - Add erythema() as substitute of CIE(), and UV_health_hazard() as substitute for ICNIRP(). The new functions have a std parameter and by default have the same behaviour as the functions they substitute. CIE() and ICNIRP() are deprecated but maintained to ensure backwards compatibility. - Updates to documentation. Changes in version 0.5.0 (2022-08-15) - Minor edit to documentation and update of the manual to comply with HTML 5. - On bad arguments to parameter std the returned value is no-longer NA (a logical value) but instead a waveband object with its wavelength fields set to NA_real_, as returned by a call to waveband(). This potentially code-breaking change ensures that the class of the returned objects is always the same, and that NA more easily propagates to further computations. Changes in version 0.4.5 (2022-01-07) - Major bug! The definitions UVA1() and UVA2() were swapped. - Git repository moved to GitHub. Changes in version 0.4.4 (2020-04-28) - Add NDVI(), normalized difference vegetation index. - Update docs for 'roxygen2' 7.1.0. Changes in version 0.4.3 (2019-03-28) - Add waveband definitions for non-standard split of the UVA band with constructors UVAsw() and UVAlw(). - Add two new definitions of far-red as used in remote sensing: "RedEdge20" and "RedEdge40". - Minor updates to documentation. Changes in version 0.4.2 (2017-03-20) Add constructors for frequently used infrared bands, and for lists of infrared bands. Add as additional values recognized as argument for parameter std "RS" for wavelength ranges commonly used in remote sensing to the different existing and new waveband constructors. Add constructors for wavelength-range based waveband definitions for the imagers used in Landsat missions 1 to 8 : "LandsatRBV", "LandsatMSS", "LandsatTM", "LandsatETM", "LandsatOLI", and "LandsatTIRS". Add constructor Landsat_bands() returning lists of waveband objects for the different Landsat missions. Update warning messages and error handling in existing constructors. Update Plant_bands() constructor to support CIE's UVA1 and UVA2 definitions. Update vignette. Changes in version 0.4.1 (2016-08-01) Update documentation. Changes in version 0.4.0 (2016-02-03) Remove all definitions of ratios. Remove vignette with plots of the wavebands. Remove dependency of vignettes on package ggspectra. Changes in version 0.3.4 Use package ggspectra instead of photobiologygg in vignette for compatibility with ggplot2 version 2. Changes in version 0.3.3 Minor correction of hinges in definitions to avoid errors at boundaries. Changes in version 0.3.2 Added function and waveband constructor for ICNIRP BSWF. Rebuilt data and package with photobiology 0.8.0. Changes in version 0.3.1 R_FR_ratio() now uses "Smith10" giving 10 nm bands. Changes in version 0.3.0 Rebuilt data and package with photobiology 0.6.0. This required some minor edits to the vignettes. Changes in version 0.2.8 Edited the definitions of Red() and Far_red() to include additional wavelength limits as used by other authors. Updated User Guide. Added setting of wb.label in functions defining wavebands. Changes in version 0.2.7 Some edits to vignettes. Fixed a bug introduced in version 0.2.6: wrong name used for wavebands created by UVC(). photobiologyUV 0.2.6 ==================== Added "medical" definitions of UVB and UVB. Changes in version 0.2.6 Added luminous efficiency functions for human vision, and the constants used in the definition of Lumen. Setlow's BSWF is now stored as a response.spct object using the same variable names as in the rest of the suite. The Setlow data from TUV has already been converted to energy units, but this was not noticed when this data was added to the package. This bug is now corrected. Updated User Guide with some examples of the calculation of luminous flux in lux from spectral irradiance data. Added plots of the luminous efficiency curves to the Data Plots vignette. Changes in version 0.2.5 Updated vignettes. Added "methane from pectin" BSWF of McLeod et al. (2008) Changes in version 0.2.4 Update to documentation and vignettes. UVR8-related data and functions moved to package photobiologyPlants. Minor changes, with no effect on functionality Changes in version 0.2.3 Now all constructors of waveband objects for BSWFs, have formal arguments w.low and w.high, with values earlier in use, now set as defaults. Added some references to the documentation. User Guide edited to match current versions of packages photobiology and photobiologygg, as well as to update to to the current version. Revised User Guide and added Catalogue of plot of BSWFs. No changes to the R code. Changes in version 0.2.2 Changed the definition of SWFs functions not to have any intrinsic wavelength limits, and made this limit a new formal argument on the waveband constructor functions, keeping the same defaults. Returned values should remain unchanged. This bit of flexibility is needed as different authors have used different limits for the same BSWFs. A new formulation for GPAS has been added. The formulation by Micheletti and Piacentini (2002) is used for example in the TUV model (version 5.0). The new waveband constructor is GEN.M(). Added calculation of UV Index. Changes in version 0.2.1 Changed the definition of SWFs to not include wavelengths shorter than 280 nm, except for the case of UVR8 absorbance. Internally modified to work with photobiology (>= 0.2.1) User interface unchanged. Changes in version 0.2.0 Edits to User Guide for compatibility and rebuilt with photobiology 0.5.1, now required. Internally modified to work with photobiology (>= 0.2.0) User interface unchanged. Changes in version 0.1.5 Added setting of wb.label in functions defining wavebands. Changes in version 0.1.4 Added missing import directive. Rebuilt vignette under photobiology 0.2.16 as the output of the examples is cosmetically different. Changes in version 0.1.3 Changed waveband definitions to allow caching. A change in package photobiology adds hinges. Changes in version 0.1.2 Added vignettes. Still needs some cleaning of code and improved documentation. Corrected error in green light wavelength range, and added new optional definitions of wave length ranges. Added a vignette: a manual. Changes in version 0.1.0 Merge of photobiologyUV and photobiologyVIS packages. Merged and updated the vignettes. Added functions for calculating UV:PAR photon ratios. Added functions for creating some coherent lists of wavebands (e.g. all ISO defined colours). - photobiologyUV ******************* First version. Implements equivalent WBs and SWFs to those in UVcalc. The algorithms are exactly the same as most of the functions were just copied from UVcalc 1.3.1 - photobiologyVIS ********************