Changes in version 0.1.2 - Avoid dependency on 'dplyr' and 'tidync', and consequently also on all the 'tidyverse' packages. - Temporarily add utils for selection of nearest points and regions from a 2D grid. Changes in version 0.1.1 - Rename all functions (twice, only new names shown below). - Read NetCDF4 files from NASA server with OMI/Aura "surface UV" data into data frames in function sUV_read_OMUVBd_nc4(). These files contain data on a geographic grid. - Read HDF5 files from NASA server with OMI/Aura "surface UV" data into data frames in function sUV_read_OMUVBd_he5(). These files contain data on a geographic grid. - Make date extraction from file names less dependent on the non-date-encoding portion of the names. - Add query functions that support vectors of file names as arguments, returning variable names, grid coordinates, or dates available in files. Changes in version 0.1.0 - Read HDF5 data files from AC SAF FMI server into data frames in function sUV_read_OUV_hdf5(). These files contain data on a geographic grid. - Read text data files from AC SAF FMI server into data frames in function sUV_read_OUV_txt(). These files contain a time series of data for a single geographic location.