Package: photobiology

photobiology: Photobiological Calculations
Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use in photobiology and radiation meteorology and climatology. Calculation of effective (weighted) and not-weighted irradiances/doses, fluence rates, transmittance, reflectance, absorptance, absorbance and diverse ratios and other derived quantities from spectral data. Local maxima and minima: peaks, valleys and spikes. Conversion between energy-and photon-based units. Wavelength interpolation. Astronomical calculations related solar angles and day length. Colours and vision. This package is part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo, P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
photobiology.pdf |photobiology.html✨
photobiology/json (API)
# Install 'photobiology' in R: |
install.packages('photobiology', repos = c('', '')) |
Bug tracker:
Pkgdown site:
- A.illuminant.spct - CIE A illuminant data
- D2.UV586 - Data for typical calibration lamps
- D2.UV653 - Data for typical calibration lamps
- D2.UV654 - Data for typical calibration lamps
- D50.illuminant.spct - CIE D50 illuminant data
- D65.illuminant.spct - CIE D65 illuminant data
- FEL.BN.9101.165 - Data for typical calibration lamps
- Ler_leaf.spct - Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
- Ler_leaf_rflt.spct - Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
- Ler_leaf_trns.spct - Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
- Ler_leaf_trns_i.spct - Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance.
- beesxyzCMF.spct - Honeybee xyz chromaticity colour matching function data
- black_body.spct - Theoretical optical bodies
- ccd.spct - Spectral response of a back-thinned CCD image sensor.
- ciev10.spct - Linear energy CIE 2008 luminous efficiency function 10 deg data
- ciev2.spct - Linear energy CIE 2008 luminous efficiency function 2 deg data
- ciexyzCC10.spct - CIE xyz chromaticity coordinates (CC) 10 deg data
- ciexyzCC2.spct - CIE xyz chromaticity coordinates 2 deg data
- ciexyzCMF10.spct - Linear energy CIE xyz colour matching function (CMF) 10 deg data
- ciexyzCMF2.spct - Linear energy CIE xyz colour matching function (CMF) 2 deg data
- clear.spct - Theoretical spectrum of clear and apaque materials
- clear_body.spct - Theoretical optical bodies
- cone_fundamentals10.mspct - Ten-degree cone fundamentals
- cone_fundamentals10.spct - Ten-degree cone fundamentals
- green_leaf.spct - Green birch leaf reflectance.
- opaque.spct - Theoretical spectrum of clear and apaque materials
- phenylalanine.spct - Molar spectral attenuation coefficient of phenylalanine
- photodiode.spct - Spectral response of a GaAsP photodiode
- polyester.spct - Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
- r4p_pkgs - Packages in R for Photobiology suite
- - Daily solar spectral irradiance
- sun.daily.spct - Daily solar spectral irradiance
- - Solar spectral irradiance
- sun.spct - Solar spectral irradiance
- - Daily solar spectral irradiance
- sun_daily.spct - Daily solar spectral irradiance
- sun_evening.mspct - Time series of solar spectral irradiance
- sun_evening.spct - Time series of solar spectral irradiance
- two_filters.mspct - Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
- two_filters.spct - Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
- two_sensors.mspct - Spectral response of two light sensors.
- two_sensors.spct - Spectral response of two light sensors.
- water.spct - Molar spectral attenuation coefficient of water
- white_body.spct - Theoretical optical bodies
- white_led.cps_spct - White led bulb spectrum
- white_led.raw_spct - White led bulb spectrum
- white_led.source_spct - White led bulb spectrum
- yellow_gel.spct - Transmittance spectrum of plastic films
Last updated 5 days agofrom:43d39e45dd. Checks:4 OK, 5 NOTE. Indexed: yes.
Target | Result | Latest binary |
Doc / Vignettes | OK | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.5-win | OK | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.5-mac | OK | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.5-linux | OK | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.4-win | NOTE | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.4-mac | NOTE | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.4-linux | NOTE | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.3-win | NOTE | Mar 13 2025 |
R-4.3-mac | NOTE | Mar 13 2025 |
User Guide: 0 The R for Photobiology Suite
Rendered fromuserguide-0-r4p-introduction.Rmd
on Mar 13 2025.Last update: 2023-04-02
Started: 2022-07-10
User Guide: 1 Radiation
Rendered fromuserguide-1-radiation.Rmd
on Mar 13 2025.Last update: 2025-03-11
Started: 2021-01-15
Readme and manuals
Help Manual
Help page | Topics |
photobiology: Photobiological Calculations | photobiology-package photobiology |
Arithmetic Operators | ^.generic_spct |
CIE A illuminant data | A.illuminant.spct |
Convert absorbance into transmittance | A2T A2T.default A2T.filter_mspct A2T.filter_spct A2T.numeric |
Absorbance | absorbance absorbance.default absorbance.filter_mspct absorbance.filter_spct absorbance.object_mspct absorbance.object_spct |
Absorptance | absorptance absorptance.default absorptance.filter_mspct absorptance.filter_spct absorptance.object_mspct absorptance.object_spct |
Copy attributes from members of a generic_mspct | address2tb add_attr2tb BSWF_used2tb comment2tb filter_properties2tb geocode2tb how_measured2tb instr_desc2tb instr_settings2tb lat2tb lon2tb lonlat2tb normalized2tb Rfr_type2tb scaled2tb solute_properties2tb Tfr_type2tb time_unit2tb what_measured2tb when_measured2tb |
Convert transmittance into absorptance. | Afr2T Afr2T.default Afr2T.filter_mspct Afr2T.filter_spct Afr2T.numeric Afr2T.object_mspct Afr2T.object_spct |
Convert filter quantities. | any2A any2Afr any2T |
Convert spectral photon irradiance into spectral energy irradiance | as_energy |
Convert spectral energy irradiance into spectral photon irradiance | as_quantum |
Convert spectral energy irradiance into spectral photon irradiance | as_quantum_mol |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.calibration_mspct as.calibration_mspct.calibration_spct as.calibration_mspct.default as.calibration_mspct.list as.calibration_mspct.matrix |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.calibration_spct as.calibration_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.chroma_mspct as.chroma_mspct.chroma_spct as.chroma_mspct.default as.chroma_mspct.list |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.chroma_spct as.chroma_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.cps_mspct as.cps_mspct.cps_spct as.cps_mspct.default as.cps_mspct.list as.cps_mspct.matrix |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.cps_spct as.cps_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.filter_mspct as.filter_mspct.default as.filter_mspct.filter_spct as.filter_mspct.list as.filter_mspct.matrix |
Coerce or convert into a filter spectrum | as.filter_spct as.filter_spct.default as.filter_spct.solute_spct |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.generic_mspct as.generic_mspct.default as.generic_mspct.generic_spct as.generic_mspct.list as.generic_mspct.matrix mat2mspct |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.generic_spct as.generic_spct.default |
Coerce a collection of spectra into a matrix | as.matrix-mspct as.matrix.generic_mspct mspct2mat |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.object_mspct as.object_mspct.default as.object_mspct.list as.object_mspct.object_spct |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.object_spct as.object_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.raw_mspct as.raw_mspct.default as.raw_mspct.list as.raw_mspct.matrix as.raw_mspct.raw_spct |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.raw_spct as.raw_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.reflector_mspct as.reflector_mspct.default as.reflector_mspct.list as.reflector_mspct.matrix as.reflector_mspct.reflector_spct |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.reflector_spct as.reflector_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.response_mspct as.response_mspct.default as.response_mspct.list as.response_mspct.matrix as.response_mspct.response_spct |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.response_spct as.response_spct.default |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.solute_mspct as.solute_mspct.default as.solute_mspct.list as.solute_mspct.matrix as.solute_mspct.solute_spct |
Coerce to a solute spectrum | as.solute_spct as.solute_spct.default as.solute_spct.filter_spct |
Coerce to a collection-of-spectra | as.source_mspct as.source_mspct.default as.source_mspct.list as.source_mspct.matrix as.source_mspct.source_spct |
Coerce to a spectrum | as.source_spct as.source_spct.default |
Average spectral data. | average_spct |
Honeybee xyz chromaticity colour matching function data | beesxyzCMF.spct |
Theoretical optical bodies | black_body.spct clear_body.spct white_body.spct |
Combine collections of spectra | c c.generic_mspct |
Spectral weights | calc_multipliers |
Scaled and/or interpolated light-source spectral output | calc_source_output |
Spectral response of a back-thinned CCD image sensor. | ccd.spct |
Check validity of spectral objects | check_spct check_spct.calibration_spct check_spct.chroma_spct check_spct.cps_spct check_spct.default check_spct.filter_spct check_spct.generic_spct check_spct.object_spct check_spct.raw_spct check_spct.reflector_spct check_spct.response_spct check_spct.solute_spct check_spct.source_spct |
Sanity check a spectrum | check_spectrum |
Sanity check of wavelengths (internal function). | check_w.length |
Check the "time.unit" attribute of an existing source_spct object | checkTimeUnit |
Linear energy CIE 2008 luminous efficiency function 10 deg data | ciev10.spct |
Linear energy CIE 2008 luminous efficiency function 2 deg data | ciev2.spct |
CIE xyz chromaticity coordinates (CC) 10 deg data | ciexyzCC10.spct |
CIE xyz chromaticity coordinates 2 deg data | ciexyzCC2.spct |
Linear energy CIE xyz colour matching function (CMF) 10 deg data | ciexyzCMF10.spct |
Linear energy CIE xyz colour matching function (CMF) 2 deg data | ciexyzCMF2.spct |
Query which is the class of a spectrum | class_spct |
Clean (=replace) off-range values in a spectrum | clean clean.cps_mspct clean.cps_spct clean.default clean.filter_mspct clean.filter_spct clean.generic_mspct clean.generic_spct clean.object_mspct clean.object_spct clean.raw_mspct clean.raw_spct clean.reflector_mspct clean.reflector_spct clean.response_mspct clean.response_spct clean.solute_mspct clean.solute_spct clean.source_mspct clean.source_spct |
Theoretical spectrum of clear and apaque materials | clear.spct opaque.spct |
Clip head and/or tail of a spectrum | clip_wl clip_wl.default clip_wl.generic_mspct clip_wl.generic_spct clip_wl.list clip_wl.waveband |
Form a new collection | collect2mspct |
Color of an object | color color_of color_of.default color_of.list color_of.numeric color_of.source_mspct color_of.source_spct color_of.waveband colour_of fast_color_of_wb fast_color_of_wl |
Coarse-grained comparison of two spectra | compare_spct |
Ten-degree cone fundamentals | cone_fundamentals10.mspct cone_fundamentals10.spct |
Convert the "Tfr.type" attribute | convertTfrType |
Convert the "thickness" attribute of an existing filter_spct object. | convertThickness |
Convert the "time.unit" attribute of an existing source_spct object | convertTimeUnit |
Convolve function for collections of spectra | convolve_each |
Copy attributes | copy_attributes copy_attributes.default copy_attributes.generic_mspct copy_attributes.generic_spct copy_attributes.waveband |
Conversion from counts per second to physical quantities | cps2irrad cps2Rfr cps2Tfr |
Calculate deuterium lamp output spectrum from fitted constants | D2_spectrum |
Data for typical calibration lamps | D2.UV586 D2.UV653 D2.UV654 FEL.BN.9101.165 |
CIE D50 illuminant data | D50.illuminant.spct |
CIE D65 illuminant data | D65.illuminant.spct |
Defunct functions and methods | calc_filter_multipliers defunct f_mspct getAfrType mutate_mspct sample_mspct sample_spct setAfrType T2T |
Remove spikes from spectrum | despike despike.cps_mspct despike.cps_spct despike.default despike.filter_mspct despike.filter_spct despike.generic_mspct despike.generic_spct despike.numeric despike.raw_mspct despike.raw_spct despike.reflector_mspct despike.reflector_spct despike.response_mspct despike.response_spct despike.solute_mspct despike.solute_spct despike.source_mspct despike.source_spct |
Diffraction | diffraction_double_slit diffraction_single_slit |
Dimensions of an Object | dim.generic_mspct dim<-.generic_mspct |
Divide two spectra, even if the wavelengths values differ | div_spectra |
Arithmetic Operators | %/%.generic_spct div-.generic_spct |
Drop user columns | drop_user_cols drop_user_cols.calibration_spct drop_user_cols.chroma_spct drop_user_cols.cps_spct drop_user_cols.default drop_user_cols.filter_spct drop_user_cols.generic_mspct drop_user_cols.generic_spct drop_user_cols.object_spct drop_user_cols.raw_spct drop_user_cols.reflector_spct drop_user_cols.response_spct drop_user_cols.solute_spct drop_user_cols.source_spct |
Energy fluence | e_fluence e_fluence.default e_fluence.source_mspct e_fluence.source_spct |
Energy:energy fraction | e_fraction e_fraction.default e_fraction.source_mspct e_fraction.source_spct |
Energy irradiance | e_irrad e_irrad.default e_irrad.source_mspct e_irrad.source_spct |
Energy:energy ratio | e_ratio e_ratio.default e_ratio.source_mspct e_ratio.source_spct |
Energy-based photo-response | e_response e_response.default e_response.response_mspct e_response.response_spct |
Convert energy-based quantities into photon-based quantities. | e2q e2q.default e2q.response_mspct e2q.response_spct e2q.source_mspct e2q.source_spct |
Calculate energy to quantum (mol) multipliers | e2qmol_multipliers |
Calculate energy to quantum multipliers | e2quantum_multipliers |
Enable or disable checks | disable_check_spct enable_check_spct set_check_spct |
Set spectral-data options | Afr_as_default A_as_default energy_as_default photon_as_default quantum_as_default Tfr_as_default unset_filter_qty_default unset_radiation_unit_default unset_user_defaults |
Calculate (energy) irradiance from spectral irradiance | energy_irradiance |
Energy:energy ratio | energy_ratio |
Energy:photon ratio | eq_ratio eq_ratio.default eq_ratio.source_mspct eq_ratio.source_spct |
Extract or replace parts of a spectrum | $<-.generic_spct Extract [.chroma_spct [.cps_spct [.filter_spct [.generic_spct [.object_spct [.raw_spct [.reflector_spct [.response_spct [.solute_spct [.source_spct [<-.generic_spct |
Extract or replace members of a collection of spectra | $<-.generic_mspct Extract_mspct [.generic_mspct [<-.generic_mspct [[<-.generic_mspct |
Incandescent "FEL" lamp emission spectrum | FEL_spectrum |
Find peaks in a spectrum | find_peaks |
Find spikes | find_spikes |
Find wavelength values in a spectrum | find_wls |
Find repeated w.length values | findMultipleWl |
Refine position and value of extremes by fitting | fit_peaks fit_valleys |
Fluence | fluence fluence.default fluence.source_mspct fluence.source_spct |
Compute range and format it | formatted_range |
Rescale a spectrum using a summary function | fscale fscale.cps_mspct fscale.cps_spct fscale.default fscale.filter_mspct fscale.filter_spct fscale.generic_mspct fscale.generic_spct fscale.raw_mspct fscale.raw_spct fscale.reflector_mspct fscale.reflector_spct fscale.response_mspct fscale.response_spct fscale.solute_mspct fscale.solute_spct fscale.source_mspct fscale.source_spct |
Shift the scale of a spectrum using a summary function | fshift fshift.cps_mspct fshift.cps_spct fshift.default fshift.filter_mspct fshift.filter_spct fshift.generic_mspct fshift.generic_spct fshift.raw_mspct fshift.raw_spct fshift.reflector_mspct fshift.reflector_spct fshift.response_mspct fshift.response_spct fshift.source_mspct fshift.source_spct |
Collection-of-spectra constructor | calibration_mspct chroma_mspct cps_mspct filter_mspct generic_mspct object_mspct raw_mspct reflector_mspct response_mspct solute_mspct source_mspct |
Get the metadata attributes | get_attributes get_attributes.filter_spct get_attributes.generic_spct get_attributes.object_spct get_attributes.reflector_spct get_attributes.solute_spct get_attributes.source_spct get_attributes.waveband |
Get peaks and valleys in a spectrum | get_peaks get_valleys |
Get the "" attribute | filter_properties getFilterProperties getFilterProperties.default getFilterProperties.filter_spct getFilterProperties.generic_mspct getFilterProperties.summary_filter_spct |
Get the "how.measured" attribute | getHowMeasured getHowMeasured.default getHowMeasured.generic_mspct getHowMeasured.generic_spct getHowMeasured.summary_generic_spct how_measured |
Get the "idfactor" attribute | getIdFactor id_factor |
Get the "instr.desc" attribute | getInstrDesc instr_descriptor |
Get the "instr.settings" attribute | getInstrSettings instr_settings |
Get the "K.type" attribute | getKType |
Get the "mspct.version" attribute | getMspctVersion |
Get the "multiple.wl" attribute | getMultipleWl multiple_wl |
Query the "normalized" and "normalization" attributes | getNormalisation getNormalised getNormalization getNormalized |
Get the "scaled" attribute | getScaled getScaling |
Get the "" attribute | getSoluteProperties getSoluteProperties.default getSoluteProperties.solute_mspct getSoluteProperties.solute_spct getSoluteProperties.summary_solute_spct solute_properties |
Get the "spct.version" attribute | getSpctVersion |
Get the "time.unit" attribute of an existing source_spct object | getTimeUnit |
Get the "what.measured" attribute | getWhatMeasured getWhatMeasured.default getWhatMeasured.generic_mspct getWhatMeasured.generic_spct getWhatMeasured.summary_generic_spct what_measured |
Get the "when.measured" attribute | getWhenMeasured getWhenMeasured.default getWhenMeasured.generic_mspct getWhenMeasured.generic_spct getWhenMeasured.summary_generic_spct when_measured |
Get the "where.measured" attribute | getWhereMeasured getWhereMeasured.default getWhereMeasured.generic_mspct getWhereMeasured.generic_spct getWhereMeasured.summary_generic_spct where_measured |
Green birch leaf reflectance. | green_leaf.spct |
Return the First and Last Parts of an Object | head_tail head_tail.default head_tail.ftable head_tail.function head_tail.matrix head_tail.table |
Irradiance | illuminance illuminance.default illuminance.source_mspct illuminance.source_spct |
Insert wavelength values into spectral data. | insert_hinges |
Insert new wavelength values into a spectrum | insert_spct_hinges |
Integrate spectral data. | integrate_spct |
Gives irradiance from spectral irradiance. | integrate_xy |
Map a spectrum to new wavelength values. | interpolate_mspct interpolate_spct |
Calculate spectral values at a different set of wavelengths | interpolate_spectrum |
Map spectra to new wavelength values. | interpolate_wl interpolate_wl.default interpolate_wl.generic_mspct interpolate_wl.generic_spct |
Irradiance | irrad irrad.default irrad.source_mspct irrad.source_spct |
Photon or energy irradiance from spectral energy or photon irradiance. | irradiance |
Query if a spectrum contains absorbance or transmittance data | is_absorbance_based is_absorptance_based is_transmittance_based |
Is an R object "effective" | is_effective is_effective.default is_effective.generic_spct is_effective.source_spct is_effective.summary_generic_spct is_effective.summary_source_spct is_effective.waveband |
Query if a spectrum contains mole or mass based data | is_mass_based is_mole_based |
Query whether a generic spectrum has been normalized. | is_normalised is_normalized |
Query if a spectrum contains photon- or energy-based data. | is_energy_based is_photon_based |
Query whether a generic spectrum has been scaled | is_scaled |
Query if a spectrum is tagged | is_tagged |
Query class of spectrum objects | is.any_mspct is.calibration_mspct is.chroma_mspct is.cps_mspct is.filter_mspct is.generic_mspct is.object_mspct is.raw_mspct is.reflector_mspct is.response_mspct is.solute_mspct is.source_mspct |
Query class of spectrum objects | is.any_spct is.calibration_spct is.chroma_spct is.cps_spct is.filter_spct is.generic_spct is.object_spct is.raw_spct is.reflector_spct is.response_spct is.solute_spct is.source_spct |
Query if an object has old class names | is.old_spct |
Query class of spectrum summary objects | is.any_summary_spct is.summary_chroma_spct is.summary_cps_spct is.summary_filter_spct is.summary_generic_spct is.summary_object_spct is.summary_raw_spct is.summary_reflector_spct is.summary_response_spct is.summary_solute_spct is.summary_source_spct |
Query if it is a waveband | is.waveband |
Check the "instr.desc" attribute | isValidInstrDesc |
Check the "instr.settings" attribute | isValidInstrSettings |
Join all spectra in a collection | join_mspct join_mspct.default join_mspct.filter_mspct join_mspct.generic_mspct join_mspct.object_mspct join_mspct.reflector_mspct join_mspct.response_mspct join_mspct.solute_mspct join_mspct.source_mspct |
Find labels from "waveband" object | labels labels.generic_spct labels.waveband |
Green Arabidopsis leaf reflectance and transmittance. | Ler_leaf.spct Ler_leaf_rflt.spct Ler_leaf_trns.spct Ler_leaf_trns_i.spct |
Logarithms and Exponentials | exp.generic_spct log log.generic_spct log10.generic_spct log2.generic_spct |
Column or variable labels | make_var_labels make_var_labels.calibration_spct make_var_labels.chroma_spct make_var_labels.cps_spct make_var_labels.default make_var_labels.filter_spct make_var_labels.object_spct make_var_labels.raw_spct make_var_labels.reflector_spct make_var_labels.response_spct make_var_labels.solute_spct make_var_labels.source_spct |
Miscellaneous Mathematical Functions | abs.generic_spct MathFun sqrt.generic_spct |
Merge and copy attributes | merge_attributes merge_attributes.default merge_attributes.generic_spct |
Merge into object_spct | merge2object_spct |
Arithmetic Operators | -.generic_spct minus-.generic_spct |
Arithmetic Operators | %%.generic_spct mod-.generic_spct |
Multi-spct transform methods | msaply msdply mslply msmsply |
Names of multi-spectra classes | mspct_classes |
Handle Missing Values in Objects | na.exclude.chroma_spct na.exclude.cps_spct na.exclude.filter_spct na.exclude.generic_mspct na.exclude.generic_spct na.exclude.object_spct na.exclude.raw_spct na.exclude.reflector_spct na.exclude.response_spct na.exclude.solute_spct na.exclude.source_spct na.omit na.omit.chroma_spct na.omit.cps_spct na.omit.filter_spct na.omit.generic_mspct na.omit.generic_spct na.omit.object_spct na.omit.raw_spct na.omit.reflector_spct na.omit.response_spct na.omit.solute_spct na.omit.source_spct |
Normalization of an R object | normalization normalization.default normalization.generic_mspct normalization.generic_spct normalization.summary_generic_spct normalization.waveband |
Normalize spectral data | normalise normalize normalize.cps_mspct normalize.cps_spct normalize.default normalize.filter_mspct normalize.filter_spct normalize.generic_mspct normalize.generic_spct normalize.raw_mspct normalize.raw_spct normalize.reflector_mspct normalize.reflector_spct normalize.response_mspct normalize.response_spct normalize.solute_mspct normalize.solute_spct normalize.source_mspct normalize.source_spct |
Normalize a range argument into a true numeric range | normalize_range_arg |
Calculate a normalized difference. | NDxI normalised_diff_ind normalized_diff_ind normalized_diff_ind.default normalized_diff_ind.generic_mspct normalized_diff_ind.generic_spct |
Binary operation on two spectra, even if the wavelengths values differ | oper_spectra |
Peaks or local maxima | peaks peaks.cps_mspct peaks.cps_spct peaks.default peaks.filter_mspct peaks.filter_spct peaks.generic_mspct peaks.generic_spct peaks.numeric peaks.raw_mspct peaks.raw_spct peaks.reflector_mspct peaks.reflector_spct peaks.response_mspct peaks.response_spct peaks.solute_mspct peaks.solute_spct peaks.source_mspct peaks.source_spct |
Molar spectral attenuation coefficient of phenylalanine | phenylalanine.spct |
Spectral response of a GaAsP photodiode | photodiode.spct |
Photon irradiance | photon_irradiance |
Photo:photon ratio | photon_ratio |
Photon:energy ratio | photons_energy_ratio |
Arithmetic Operators | +.generic_spct plus-.generic_spct |
Print spectral objects | print.generic_mspct print.generic_spct |
Print methods for metadata records | print.filter_properties print.instr_desc print.instr_settings print.metadata print.solute_properties |
Print spectral summary | print.summary_generic_mspct print.summary_generic_spct |
Print a "waveband" object | print.waveband |
Multiply two spectra, even if the wavelengths values differ | prod_spectra |
Random sample of spectra | pull_sample pull_sample.default pull_sample.generic_mspct pull_sample.generic_spct pull_sample.list |
Photon fluence | q_fluence q_fluence.default q_fluence.source_mspct q_fluence.source_spct |
Photon:photon fraction | q_fraction q_fraction.default q_fraction.source_mspct q_fraction.source_spct |
Photon irradiance | q_irrad q_irrad.default q_irrad.source_mspct q_irrad.source_spct |
Photon:photon ratio | q_ratio q_ratio.default q_ratio.source_mspct q_ratio.source_spct |
Photon-based photo-response | q_response q_response.default q_response.response_mspct q_response.response_spct |
Convert photon-based quantities into energy-based quantities | q2e q2e.default q2e.response_mspct q2e.response_spct q2e.source_mspct q2e.source_spct |
Photon:energy ratio | qe_ratio qe_ratio.default qe_ratio.source_mspct qe_ratio.source_spct |
Packages in R for Photobiology suite | r4p_pkgs |
Row-bind spectra | rbindspct |
Reflectance | reflectance reflectance.default reflectance.object_mspct reflectance.object_spct reflectance.reflector_mspct reflectance.reflector_spct |
Replace bad pixels in a spectrum | replace_bad_pixs |
Integrated response | response response.default response.response_mspct response.response_spct |
reflectance:reflectance fraction | Rfr_fraction Rfr_fraction.default Rfr_fraction.reflector_mspct Rfr_fraction.reflector_spct |
Reflectance at a planar boundary | Rfr_from_n Rfr_p_from_n Rfr_s_from_n |
reflectance:reflectance normalised difference | Rfr_normdiff Rfr_normdiff.default Rfr_normdiff.reflector_mspct Rfr_normdiff.reflector_spct |
reflectance:reflectance ratio | Rfr_ratio Rfr_ratio.default Rfr_ratio.reflector_mspct Rfr_ratio.reflector_spct |
RGB color values | rgb_spct |
Remove "generic_mspct" and derived class attributes. | rmDerivedMspct |
Remove "generic_spct" and derived class attributes. | rmDerivedSpct |
Rounding of Numbers | ceiling.generic_spct floor.generic_spct round round.generic_spct signif.generic_spct trunc.generic_spct |
Spectral irradiance to rgb color conversion | s_e_irrad2rgb |
Mean from collection of spectra | s_mean s_mean.calibration_mspct s_mean.cps_mspct s_mean.default s_mean.filter_mspct s_mean.generic_spct s_mean.raw_mspct s_mean.reflector_mspct s_mean.response_mspct s_mean.source_mspct |
Mean and standard error from collection of spectra | s_mean_se s_mean_se.calibration_mspct s_mean_se.cps_mspct s_mean_se.default s_mean_se.filter_mspct s_mean_se.generic_spct s_mean_se.raw_mspct s_mean_se.reflector_mspct s_mean_se.response_mspct s_mean_se.source_mspct |
Mean plus and minus standard error from collection of spectra | s_mean_se_band s_mean_se_band.calibration_mspct s_mean_se_band.cps_mspct s_mean_se_band.default s_mean_se_band.filter_mspct s_mean_se_band.generic_spct s_mean_se_band.raw_mspct s_mean_se_band.reflector_mspct s_mean_se_band.response_mspct s_mean_se_band.source_mspct |
Median of a collection of spectra | s_median s_median.calibration_mspct s_median.cps_mspct s_median.default s_median.filter_mspct s_median.generic_spct s_median.raw_mspct s_median.reflector_mspct s_median.response_mspct s_median.source_mspct |
Product from collection of spectra | s_prod s_prod.calibration_mspct s_prod.cps_mspct s_prod.default s_prod.filter_mspct s_prod.generic_spct s_prod.raw_mspct s_prod.reflector_mspct s_prod.response_mspct s_prod.source_mspct |
Range of a collection of spectra | s_range s_range.calibration_mspct s_range.cps_mspct s_range.default s_range.filter_mspct s_range.generic_spct s_range.raw_mspct s_range.reflector_mspct s_range.response_mspct s_range.source_mspct |
Standard Deviation of a collection of spectra | s_sd s_sd.calibration_mspct s_sd.cps_mspct s_sd.default s_sd.filter_mspct s_sd.generic_spct s_sd.raw_mspct s_sd.reflector_mspct s_sd.response_mspct s_sd.source_mspct |
Standard Error of a collection of spectra | s_se s_se.calibration_mspct s_se.cps_mspct s_se.default s_se.filter_mspct s_se.generic_spct s_se.raw_mspct s_se.reflector_mspct s_se.response_mspct s_se.source_mspct |
Sum from collection of spectra | s_sum s_sum.calibration_mspct s_sum.cps_mspct s_sum.default s_sum.filter_mspct s_sum.generic_spct s_sum.raw_mspct s_sum.reflector_mspct s_sum.response_mspct s_sum.source_mspct |
Variance of a collection of spectra | s_var s_var.calibration_mspct s_var.cps_mspct s_var.default s_var.filter_mspct s_var.generic_spct s_var.raw_mspct s_var.reflector_mspct s_var.response_mspct s_var.source_mspct |
Merge user supplied attribute names with default ones | select_spct_attributes spct_attributes |
The "bswf.used" attribute | getBSWFUsed setBSWFUsed |
Set the "" attribute | filter_properties<- setFilterProperties |
Convert an R object into a spectrum object. | setCalibrationSpct setChromaSpct setCpsSpct setFilterSpct setGenericSpct setObjectSpct setRawSpct setReflectorSpct setResponseSpct setSoluteSpct setSourceSpct |
Set the "how.measured" attribute | how_measured<- setHowMeasured setHowMeasured.default setHowMeasured.generic_mspct setHowMeasured.generic_spct setHowMeasured.summary_generic_spct |
Set the "idfactor" attribute | id_factor<- setIdFactor |
Set the "instr.desc" attribute | instr_descriptor<- setInstrDesc |
Set the "instr.settings" attribute | instr_settings<- setInstrSettings |
Set the "K.type" attribute | setKType |
Set the "multiple.wl" attribute | multiple_wl<- setMultipleWl |
Set the "normalized" and "normalization" attributes | setNormalised setNormalized |
Set the "response.type" attribute | getResponseType setResponseType |
The "Rfr.type" attribute | getRfrType setRfrType |
Set the "scaled" attribute | setScaled setScaled.default setScaled.generic_mspct setScaled.generic_spct setScaled.summary_generic_spct |
Set the "" attribute | setSoluteProperties solute_properties<- |
The "Tfr.type" attribute | getTfrType setTfrType |
Set the "time.unit" attribute of an existing source_spct object | setTimeUnit |
Set the "what.measured" attribute | setWhatMeasured setWhatMeasured.default setWhatMeasured.generic_mspct setWhatMeasured.generic_spct setWhatMeasured.summary_generic_spct what_measured<- |
Set the "when.measured" attribute | setWhenMeasured setWhenMeasured.default setWhenMeasured.generic_mspct setWhenMeasured.generic_spct setWhenMeasured.summary_generic_spct when_measured<- |
Set the "where.measured" attribute | setWhereMeasured setWhereMeasured.default setWhereMeasured.generic_mspct setWhereMeasured.generic_spct setWhereMeasured.summary_generic_spct where_measured<- |
Classes common to all collection members. | shared_member_class |
Sign | sign sign.generic_spct |
Arithmetic Operators | /.generic_spct slash-.generic_spct |
Smooth a spectrum | smooth_spct smooth_spct.cps_spct smooth_spct.default smooth_spct.filter_spct smooth_spct.generic_mspct smooth_spct.reflector_spct smooth_spct.response_spct smooth_spct.solute_spct smooth_spct.source_spct |
Spectral-object constructors | calibration_spct chroma_spct cps_spct filter_spct generic_spct object_spct raw_spct reflector_spct response_spct solute_spct source_spct |
Copy attributes into a tibble | spct_attr2tb |
Function returning a vector containing the names of spectra classes. | spct_classes |
Access metadata | spct_metadata |
Convert spectrum from wide to long form | spct_wide2long |
Spikes | spikes spikes.cps_mspct spikes.cps_spct spikes.default spikes.filter_mspct spikes.filter_spct spikes.generic_mspct spikes.generic_spct spikes.numeric spikes.raw_mspct spikes.raw_spct spikes.reflector_mspct spikes.reflector_spct spikes.response_mspct spikes.response_spct spikes.solute_mspct spikes.solute_spct spikes.source_mspct spikes.source_spct |
List-of-wavebands constructor | split_bands |
Energy irradiance for split spectrum regions | split_energy_irradiance |
Energy or photon irradiance for split spectrum regions | split_irradiance |
Photon irradiance for split spectrum regions | split_photon_irradiance |
Convert a 'wide' or untidy data frame into a collection of spectra | split2calibration_mspct split2cps_mspct split2filter_mspct split2mspct split2raw_mspct split2reflector_mspct split2response_mspct split2solute_mspct split2source_mspct |
Expanse | expanse expanse.default expanse.generic_mspct expanse.generic_spct expanse.numeric expanse.waveband spread wl_expanse |
Subsetting spectra | Subset subset.generic_spct |
Convert 'long' or tidy spectral data into a collection of spectra | subset2mspct |
Subtract two spectra | subt_spectra |
Add two spectra | sum_spectra |
Function that returns a vector containing the names of spectral summary classes. | summary_spct_classes |
Summary of one or more spectra | summary.generic_mspct summary.generic_spct |
Daily solar spectral irradiance (simulated) | sun.daily.spct sun_daily.spct |
Time series of solar spectral irradiance (measured) | sun_evening.mspct sun_evening.spct |
Solar spectral irradiance (simulated) | sun.spct |
Convert transmittance into absorbance. | T2A T2A.default T2A.filter_mspct T2A.filter_spct T2A.numeric |
Convert transmittance into absorptance. | T2Afr T2Afr.default T2Afr.filter_mspct T2Afr.filter_spct T2Afr.numeric T2Afr.object_mspct T2Afr.object_spct |
Tag a spectrum | tag tag.default tag.generic_mspct tag.generic_spct |
transmittance:transmittance fraction | Tfr_fraction Tfr_fraction.default Tfr_fraction.filter_mspct Tfr_fraction.filter_spct |
transmittance:transmittance normalised difference | Tfr_normdiff Tfr_normdiff.default Tfr_normdiff.filter_mspct Tfr_normdiff.filter_spct |
transmittance:transmittance ratio | Tfr_ratio Tfr_ratio.default Tfr_ratio.filter_mspct Tfr_ratio.filter_spct |
Thin the density of wavelength values | thin_wl thin_wl.calibration_mspct thin_wl.calibration_spct thin_wl.chroma_mspct thin_wl.chroma_spct thin_wl.cps_spct thin_wl.default thin_wl.filter_spct thin_wl.generic_mspct thin_wl.generic_spct thin_wl.object_spct thin_wl.raw_spct thin_wl.reflector_spct thin_wl.response_spct thin_wl.solute_spct thin_wl.source_spct |
Arithmetic Operators | *.generic_spct times-.generic_spct |
Transmittance | transmittance transmittance.default transmittance.filter_mspct transmittance.filter_spct transmittance.object_mspct transmittance.object_spct |
Trigonometric Functions | acos.generic_spct asin.generic_spct atan.generic_spct cos.generic_spct sin.generic_spct tan.generic_spct Trig |
Trim (or expand) head and/or tail of a spectrum | extend2extremes trim2overlap trim_mspct trim_spct |
Trim (or expand) head and/or tail | trim_tails |
Trim (or expand) head and/or tail | trim_waveband |
Trim head and/or tail of a spectrum | trim_wl trim_wl.default trim_wl.generic_mspct trim_wl.generic_spct trim_wl.list trim_wl.waveband |
Trim the "instr.desc" attribute | trimInstrDesc |
Trim the "instr.settings" attribute | trimInstrSettings |
Transmittance spectrum of plastic films | polyester.spct two_filters.mspct two_filters.spct yellow_gel.spct |
Spectral response of two light sensors. | two_sensors.mspct two_sensors.spct |
Extract all members from a collection | uncollect2spct uncollect2spct.default uncollect2spct.generic_mspct |
Remove tags | untag untag.default untag.generic_mspct untag.generic_spct |
Upgrade one spectral object | upgrade_spct |
Upgrade one or more spectral objects | upgrade_spectra |
Use photobiology options | using_A using_Afr using_energy using_photon using_quantum using_Tfr |
Insert spectral data values at new wavelength values. | v_insert_hinges |
Overwrite spectral data values at existing wavelength values. | v_replace_hinges |
Valleys or local minima | valleys valleys.cps_mspct valleys.cps_spct valleys.default valleys.filter_mspct valleys.filter_spct valleys.generic_mspct valleys.generic_spct valleys.numeric valleys.raw_mspct valleys.raw_spct valleys.reflector_mspct valleys.reflector_spct valleys.response_mspct valleys.response_spct valleys.solute_mspct valleys.solute_spct valleys.source_mspct valleys.source_spct |
Set error reporting options | strict_range_as_default verbose_as_default |
Wavelength range to rgb color conversion | w_length_range2rgb |
Wavelength to rgb color conversion | w_length2rgb |
Molar spectral attenuation coefficient of water | water.spct |
Waveband constructor method | new_waveband waveband |
Photon or energy ratio | waveband_ratio |
Set computation options | use_cached_mult_as_default wb_trim_as_default |
Create tagged spectrum from wavebands | fast_wb2rect_spct wb2rect_spct |
Create spectrum from wavebands | wb2spct |
Create tagged spectrum from wavebands | wb2tagged_spct |
White led bulb spectrum | white_led.cps_spct white_led.raw_spct white_led.source_spct |
Wavelength maximum | max max.generic_mspct max.generic_spct max.waveband wl_max |
Midpoint | midpoint midpoint.default midpoint.generic_mspct midpoint.generic_spct midpoint.numeric midpoint.waveband wl_midpoint |
Wavelength minimum | min min.generic_mspct min.generic_spct min.waveband wl_min |
Wavelength range | range range.generic_mspct range.generic_spct range.waveband wl_range |
Stepsize | stepsize stepsize.default stepsize.generic_mspct stepsize.generic_spct stepsize.numeric wl_stepsize |
Wavelength conversions | energy2wl frequency2wl wavenumber2wl wl2energy wl2frequency wl2wavenumber |
Find wavelengths values corresponding to a target spectral value | wls_at_target wls_at_target.cps_spct wls_at_target.default wls_at_target.filter_spct wls_at_target.generic_mspct wls_at_target.generic_spct wls_at_target.raw_spct wls_at_target.reflector_spct wls_at_target.response_spct wls_at_target.solute_spct wls_at_target.source_spct |