ggpmisc - Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2'
Extensions to 'ggplot2' respecting the grammar of graphics paradigm. Statistics: locate and tag peaks and valleys; label plot with the equation of a fitted polynomial or other types of models; labels with P-value, R^2 or adjusted R^2 or information criteria for fitted models; label with ANOVA table for fitted models; label with summary for fitted models. Model fit classes for which suitable methods are provided by package 'broom' and 'broom.mixed' are supported. Scales and stats to build volcano and quadrant plots based on outcomes, fold changes, p-values and false discovery rates.
Last updated 1 months ago
13.39 score 102 stars 13 dependents 4.2k scripts 18k downloadsggpp - Grammar Extensions to 'ggplot2'
Extensions to 'ggplot2' respecting the grammar of graphics paradigm. Geometries: geom_table(), geom_plot() and geom_grob() add insets to plots using native data coordinates, while geom_table_npc(), geom_plot_npc() and geom_grob_npc() do the same using "npc" coordinates through new aesthetics "npcx" and "npcy". Statistics: select observations based on 2D density. Positions: radial nudging away from a center point and nudging away from a line or curve; combined stacking and nudging; combined dodging and nudging.
Last updated 1 months ago
12.47 score 123 stars 24 dependents 372 scripts 17k downloadsphotobiology - Photobiological Calculations
Definitions of classes, methods, operators and functions for use in photobiology and radiation meteorology and climatology. Calculation of effective (weighted) and not-weighted irradiances/doses, fluence rates, transmittance, reflectance, absorptance, absorbance and diverse ratios and other derived quantities from spectral data. Local maxima and minima: peaks, valleys and spikes. Conversion between energy-and photon-based units. Wavelength interpolation. Astronomical calculations related solar angles and day length. Colours and vision. This package is part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo, P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 15 hours ago
9.43 score 4 stars 12 dependents 600 scripts 1.2k downloadsgginnards - Explore the Innards of 'ggplot2' Objects
Extensions to 'ggplot2' providing low-level debug tools: statistics and geometries echoing their data argument. Layer manipulation: deletion, insertion, extraction and reordering of layers. Deletion of unused variables from the data object embedded in "ggplot" objects.
Last updated 15 days ago
9.13 score 24 stars 3 dependents 376 scripts 2.8k downloadsggspectra - Extensions to 'ggplot2' for Radiation Spectra
Additional annotations, stats, geoms and scales for plotting "light" spectra with 'ggplot2', together with specializations of ggplot() and autoplot() methods for spectral data and waveband definitions stored in objects of classes defined in package 'photobiology'. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 15 days ago
8.09 score 5 stars 1 dependents 418 scripts 921 downloadsphotobiologyWavebands - Waveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and IR Radiation
Constructors of waveband objects for commonly used biological spectral weighting functions (BSWFs) and for different wavebands describing named ranges of wavelengths in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and infrared (IR) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 5 months ago
6.55 score 1 stars 3 dependents 394 scripts 344 downloadsphotobiologyInOut - Read Spectral and Logged Data from Foreign Files
Functions for reading, and in some cases writing, foreign files containing spectral data from spectrometers and their associated software, output from daylight simulation models in common use, and some spectral data repositories. As well as functions for exchange of spectral data with other R packages. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 22 days ago
6.28 score 1 dependents 63 scripts 606 downloadsooacquire - Acquire Data from OO Spectrometers
Functions to acquire data directly from Ocean Optics spectrometers, and functions to read similar data from files. Functions to convert raw-counts into counts-per-second and physical quantities. Data are saved in objects of classes defined in package 'photobiology'. The instrument settings, instrument description, date-time of acquisition and optionally goecode are stored as attributes.
Last updated 4 months ago
5.52 score 1 stars 91 scriptsphotobiologyLEDs - Spectral Data for Light-Emitting-Diodes
Spectral emission data for some frequently used light emitting diodes available as electronic components. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 23 days ago
5.31 score 2 stars 34 scripts 199 downloadsphotobiologyFilters - Spectral Transmittance and Spectral Reflectance Data
Spectral 'transmittance' data for frequently used filters and similar materials. Plastic sheets and films; photography filters; theatrical gels; machine-vision filters; various types of window glass; optical glass and some laboratory plastics and glassware. Spectral reflectance data for frequently encountered materials. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 10 months ago
5.08 score 40 scripts 207 downloadsphotobiologySun - Data for Sunlight Spectra
Data for the extraterrestrial solar spectral irradiance and ground level solar spectral irradiance and irradiance. In addition data for shade light under vegetation and irradiance time series from different broadband sensors. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 3 months ago
5.02 score 21 scripts 126 downloadsSunCalcMeeus - Sun Position and Daylight Calculations
Compute the position of the sun, and local solar time using Meeus' formulae. Compute day and/or night length using different twilight definitions or arbitrary sun elevation angles. This package is part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo, P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>. Algorithms from Meeus (1998, ISBN:0943396611).
Last updated 5 days ago
4.78 score 6 scripts 79 downloadsphotobiologyLamps - Spectral Irradiance Data for Lamps
Spectral emission data for some frequently used lamps including bulbs and flashlights based on led emitting diodes (LEDs) but excluding LEDs available as electronic components. Original spectral irradiance data for incandescent-, LED- and discharge lamps are included. They are complemented by data on the effect of temperature on the emission by fluorescent tubes. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 1 months ago
4.58 score 38 scripts 183 downloadslearnrbook - Datasets and Code Examples from P. J. Aphalo's "Learn R" Book
Data, scripts and code from chunks used as examples in the book "Learn R: As a Language" 1ed and 2ed by Pedro J. Aphalo. ISBN 9780367182533 (pbk 1ed); ISBN 9780367182557 (hbk 1ed); ISBN 9780429060342 (ebk 1ed).
Last updated 4 months ago
4.57 score 1 stars 25 scripts 611 downloadsphotobiologySensors - Response Data for Light Sensors
Spectral response data for broadband ultraviolet and visible radiation sensors. Angular response data for broadband ultraviolet and visible radiation sensors and diffusers used as entrance optics. Data obtained from multiple sources were used: author-supplied data from scientific research papers, sensor-manufacturer supplied data, and published sensor specifications. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.38 score 24 scripts 165 downloadsphotobiologyPlants - Plant Photobiology Related Functions and Data
Provides functions for quantifying visible (VIS) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation in relation to the photoreceptors Phytochromes, Cryptochromes, and UVR8 which are present in plants. It also includes data sets on the optical properties of plants. Part of the 'r4photobiology' suite, Aphalo P. J. (2015) <doi:10.19232/uv4pb.2015.1.14>.
Last updated 15 days ago
3.88 score 50 scripts 207 downloadsyoctopuce - YoctoPuce USB modules
Bridge between R and the yoctopuce Python library, making it possible to control and acquire data from YoctoPuce USB interface modules.
Last updated 3 months ago
3.40 score 9 scriptsrOmniDriver - Omni Driver R wrapper
This package is a wrapper of the OmniDriver java driver for Ocean Optics spectrometers.
Last updated 4 months ago
3.00 score 1 stars 6 scripts